... when-tone/
My prediction on BH's final press conference. The when and the tone of it. It will be in the 'Dale on Tuesday, 3-12. I don't think it will be a scorched earth exit by BH. Just the opposite. The press conference will look like a political press conference. This is due to the fact that he will have persons from the Democrat party in OK plan the agenda, and more specifically, the tone. Twenty second sound bites will fill his farewell address. I don't think he will have any family sitting with him, but don't be surprised. He will say that it is one of the most difficult decisions of his life, but that he is stepping away from coaching claiming that he's done everything he set out to accomplish and now it's time to ascend another mountain. This mountain being politics. Of course, claiming for the good of the people of OK. He will be gracious and flattering to college basketball, the players, other coaches, and the educational institutions.
Do I sound cynical of politicians? I grew up during Watergate. I hated politicians then. I hate the rat bastards even more now. BH is a POS and belongs in politics. It's a perfect marriage for both.