NCAA basketball rule changes

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Re: NCAA basketball rule changes

Postby DUBulldog » May 6th, 2011, 11:05 am

Realhoops wrote:
SubGod22 wrote:
unipanther99 wrote:I don't like either change. The refs have enough to worry about on the block/charge situation already. And the replay thing seems unnecessary. Has there ever been a time that a coach as asked a referee to look at a replay and they have refused? I can't remember a situation like that, and if it happens, it's either a frivolous request or a rogue referee who needs to be dealt with.
You're correct. It's just adding one more thing for an official to worry about on what often times is a bang bang play. I absolutely HATE the idea of them putting that in. And I really don't get the replay thing either. This is getting absurd.

I'm undecided on the replay rule -- I thought it was out of control last year with reviewing the monitors, etc., but at the same time I have a hard time figuring out why it's a bad thing to use the technology to actually get things right. And the fact that it costs a timeout if the coach was wrong should really temper its use, so it's not like it is going to become some constant call for reviews, likely.

I could see a situation where a coach is about to call a time-out anyway....ask for a replay.....if you lose, you were going to use a time-out then either way. If you win, free time out.
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Re: NCAA basketball rule changes



Re: NCAA basketball rule changes

Postby unipanther99 » May 6th, 2011, 12:43 pm

The semi-circle gives the officials one more thing to worry about, because they aren't always looking at the feet of the defender, and that's a good thing.

Say what you want about Rick Hartzell, but I heard him say a while back (and as an offical I agree with this), you watch the point of contact between the two players. If the offensive player hits the defensive player in the middle of the chest - - - it's a charge 95% of the time. I know that's not by the book, but these plays happen too quickly to worry about all of these other factors. You have to make the call quickly, otherwise the coaches will eat you alive.

As for the replay rule, again it can put the officials in an awkward position. A shot goes up at the arc, you're 90% sure it's a three and you call it that way. Do you stop the clock to check, or do you wait and let the coach risk a timeout by requesting a review? Too much grey area here IMO.
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Re: NCAA basketball rule changes

Postby Realhoops » May 6th, 2011, 5:13 pm

unipanther99 wrote:The semi-circle gives the officials one more thing to worry about, because they aren't always looking at the feet of the defender, and that's a good thing.

Say what you want about Rick Hartzell, but I heard him say a while back (and as an offical I agree with this), you watch the point of contact between the two players. If the offensive player hits the defensive player in the middle of the chest - - - it's a charge 95% of the time. I know that's not by the book, but these plays happen too quickly to worry about all of these other factors. You have to make the call quickly, otherwise the coaches will eat you alive.

I see. It gives them something else to worry about because it might force them to actually make the call by the book, according to the rule, which was implemented last year (or the year before) without the semi-circle being visible. That makes sense.
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Re: NCAA basketball rule changes

Postby Khan4Cats » May 7th, 2011, 10:44 am

I absolutely hate the idea of a half-circle under the basket because it just gives the offense that much more of an advantage. Basically you are telling an offensive player that they do not have to be under control at all if they can get near the rim the are AUTOMATICALLY going to get the call. We already have enough acting by offensive players trying to draw calls now-this is only going to make it worse. No reason a defensive player should be penalized because the offensive player is out of control and initiates contact. The NCAA is basically wanting to put in place an 'ole' bull-fighter type of defense in the lanes and scrap an semblance of a defensive game.
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Re: NCAA basketball rule changes

Postby Realhoops » May 9th, 2011, 9:43 am

Khan4Cats wrote:I absolutely hate the idea of a half-circle under the basket because it just gives the offense that much more of an advantage. Basically you are telling an offensive player that they do not have to be under control at all if they can get near the rim the are AUTOMATICALLY going to get the call. We already have enough acting by offensive players trying to draw calls now-this is only going to make it worse. No reason a defensive player should be penalized because the offensive player is out of control and initiates contact. The NCAA is basically wanting to put in place an 'ole' bull-fighter type of defense in the lanes and scrap an semblance of a defensive game.

Again, this seems to be more of a complaint about the rule that is already in place than it is about the circle. The rule is already there that a defensive player in that area is automatically guilty of a block. All the circle does is actually make it possible for the official to be somewhat more consistent in applying the rule as it is. It doesn't change the rule at all. Your complaint is with the rule, changed a year or so ago, not with the implementation of the circle on the court.
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Re: NCAA basketball rule changes

Postby UE 71 » May 12th, 2011, 11:07 pm

I guess some here have never heard of the defensive "flop". The defensive players come from the weakside on most plays now and slide under the offensive player in hopes of drawing the charge. That's why the rule came about and an arc would help officials be more aware of the protected zone. They don't have to look at the arc on every play, but they will become more aware of its existence if marked on the floor.
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