3 Valley teams in Top 35 RPI

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Re: 3 Valley teams in Top 35 RPI

Postby C0|db|00ded » December 31st, 2012, 6:47 pm

isumvc1 wrote:CU loud



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Re: 3 Valley teams in Top 35 RPI



Re: 3 Valley teams in Top 35 RPI

Postby TrueBlueJay » December 31st, 2012, 6:54 pm

C0|db|00ded wrote:
isumvc1 wrote:Co|db|00ded




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Re: 3 Valley teams in Top 35 RPI

Postby BradleyBrave » December 31st, 2012, 7:13 pm

cpacmel wrote:
MoValley John wrote:6. Bradley. Still young and not very deep, but Genome has the boys playing good ball.

Not very deep indeed.

But young? Not so sure about that. They start 3 seniors (one who is starting his 6th year there) and 2 juniors. Their 2 top reserves are a redshirt JR (who started 24 games last year for them) and a soph (who started 5 games as a true freshman).

Was just about to say the same thing. Not real talented? Correct. Young? No.
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Re: 3 Valley teams in Top 35 RPI

Postby shocker3 » January 1st, 2013, 12:23 am

BCPanther wrote:
MoValley John wrote:It's time for this week's rankings. MVCFans must be asleep at the switch. That, or turning over the reigns to DUBulldog, combined with his Newfound hobby of trying to develop a syndicated Valley radio show is just too much to get done, along with some abstract, unscientific rundown of first to ten list. That said, I'll give my one through ten here, as this thread is as good as any. Anyway, the trees are really beginning to gel, have a good record, nice RPI and mostly, a healthy Odum. They jump to third. Here goes.

T-1. Wichita State, Creighton
Both are the class of the Valley, have the best athletes, but win in very different ways. Also, both teams are lots of fun to watch.
3. Indiana State. See above.
4. Illinois State. If they beat the Trees yesterday, they would be 3rd. I don't discount the Redbirds much, though, the loss was on the road and they got down big early. They damn near pulled off the win. Winning on the road is tough, even in a near empty arena.
5. UNI. Got throttled by Wichita State, but Wichita State is who we thought they were. Jacobson has a system, is a salty coach and this setback will soon be forgotten.
6. Bradley. Still young and not very deep, but Genome has the boys playing good ball.
T-7. Drake, Evansville. It's a pick'em. Drake has the players, Evansville has Colt and not much else. If Phelps would just get out of the way and let his kids play, Drake is alone in 7th, maybe 6th. Coaching is killing an otherwise good group of players. If Drake had Simmons, they would be 4th. If E'Ville had Phelps, even with Colt, they'd be in the cellar.
9. SIU. Even though they lost, they lost on the road. As I said above, winning on the road is tough in the Valley.
10. Missouri State. They may get their mojo after a big win over the other Valley doormat, but it was a home game and I still haven't gotten over watching that embarrassing loss to a SWAC team on ESPN3. Not out of the cellar yet

Spot on. That's really good analysis...

Well played, Sir. :Cheers:

Pretty good analysis. I have the same problem with Miss St. I wish I hadn't seen that game on espn3.
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