by horacepinker » February 15th, 2013, 2:55 pm
Last time I checked we are still in 1st place!
Ask again if we are in the middle of a 3 game losing streak.
I am asking you Again?!?[/quote]
Hey loser, this game was over a week ago. Maybe you can get with the program and keep the discussion and threads current?[/quote]
Well Thank you Captain Helper!
I wonder why you bothered to open and read it then mr current events. Why dont you mind your own business.
Loser? What Nerd, Square and Geek didnt want any of that?
Deanthonybowden wrote:
"i agree , wsu recruits athletes, but in reality they dont recruit any better basketball players than isu or ill. st, and creighton definately recruits better than wichita, wichita is the most over-rated valley team"