Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

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Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » July 8th, 2013, 12:17 pm

GrandpaBear wrote:I will be rooting for Creighton and pretty much every non- BCS team.

Really? If Creighton was playing that North Korean team that faced the Harlem Globetrotters in that Dennis Rodman documentary thing, I'd pull for North Korea!

I hope Gibbs petitions and wins a seventh, eighth, and ninth year. I don't really care. And no one outside of Omaha really does either.
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Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year



Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

Postby mvcfan » July 8th, 2013, 1:17 pm

I thought that it was odd that he was given an additional year for the reasons that he presented. After all, he transferred to Creighton because he wanted to from another Div. I school to take away his original redshirt year.
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Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

Postby rlh04d » July 8th, 2013, 8:17 pm

saluki762 wrote:
rlh04d wrote:I think it is interesting from a rules standpoint that their coach is essentially paying the tuition of their best player out of pocket so Gibbs can get a scholarship. Can you imagine what would have happened if Marshall was paying Armstead's tuition two years ago?

Otherwise, whatever.

My guess is no one would say a thing if Marshall was Armstead's dad.

Obviously. But I wonder what the rules say on the issue. Would a coach be able to pay the tuition of his nephew in this situation? A grandfather paying for the tuition of his grandson? What about cousins? Second cousins? Is there an NCAA rule that says how close a familial relationship would need to be for the coach to pay his player's tuition?
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Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

Postby Zardoz » July 16th, 2013, 1:16 am

I had no problem with Grant Gibbs getting a 6th year. No longer affects us. Doug paying his own way is kinda a joke. The university will just hide it in the incentives that they pay his dad and no one will really pay any money.
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Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

Postby musiccitybulldog » July 17th, 2013, 8:19 am

I realize he has received a sixth year, but technically how is it given? What is the trail of events that lead up to a 6th year possible?
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Re: Non MVC: Grant Gibbs Given 6th Year

Postby uniftw » July 17th, 2013, 4:41 pm

since they aren't MVC anymore I don't care that much but how does he get a 6th year?

He transferred and used a redshirt voluntarily. Since he had to sit out anyway he decided to have a surgery done...he didn't miss a year because of injury and voluntarily used a red-shirt..

I don't understand how it was granted.

As far as what makes it possible, the NCAA is very inconsistent and is impossible to general

1. Missed 2 years due to injury
2. Did not take a voluntary red-shirt
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