Forbes Rankings - off season topic

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Re: Forbes Rankings - off season topic

Postby RoyalShock » July 30th, 2013, 4:37 pm

Aargh wrote:Boeing sold their Wichita plant. That plant now produces parts for Boeing and Airbus. It has more business than when it was owned by Boeing. We've also got Beechcraft, Cessna, and LearJet in Wichita. WSU has outstanding programs in Engineering and Business Administration. Aeronautical Engineering was the driving force behind the Engineering School.

It's pretty obvious how WSU progressed to what it is today. WSU is Business, Engineering, throw in Accounting as an offshoot of Business.

WSU played their games in the Kansas Coliseum (12K capacity) when the on-campus facility was being renovated. The former Kansas Coliseum is now the home of the National Institute for Aerospace Research, which is affiliated with WSU's Engineering program. The NIAR can test aircraft designs up to the size that will fit into a 12,000 seat arena.

Probably need to throw Criminal Justice and Linguistics (therapy and rehab (autistic, speech impaired, etc)) into the upper-tier mix. Past those, the next tier of classes seems to be Music and Teaching.

Past that, I'm not enthusiastic about some of the programs. Just as an example of something I don't understand - Computer Science is in the School Of Liberal Arts. To get a degree in Computer Science, you have to take the core curriculum from Liberal Arts.

When I got my Accounting degree, I needed 2 hours of Humanities (the Liberal Arts stuff) for 2 years before I found a 2-hour class titled "Human Sexuality". I did quite well in that class.

Hey, it's summer. There's not much basketball news, so I'll go Off topic for a moment. I wrote two papers for that class. The instructor thought they were both so good, tht I was excused from taking the final and got an A in the class.

The first paper was "The Effect of Drugs on Sex". To write that I went to several bars and let the patrons know I was writing the paper. I had long lines of people wanting to tell me their stories. I remember Alcohol - BAD. Cocaine - you can hurt yourself - BAD.

The second paper was a case study of a lifelong non-orgasmic woman who had recently been able to regularly achieve orgasm and the mechanics and mental issues involved with that.

Amazingly enough, the typical woman in that class was either planning on teaching sex ed or did not understand the mechanics of becoming pregnant. In that environment, my paper was pretty cutting-edge.

I don't understand how either of those papers would really benefit a Computer Science major. Oh, WAIT! SNAP! Computer Science types are commonly fairly nerdy and academic. With that in mind, they ALL need that class.

Communicating with end-users, both written and verbal. If you've ever read coherent technical or user documentation, thank a CS in liberal arts or an English/journalism/communications degree being put to use in the tech field.

There's nothing worse (yes, hyperbole) than a good engineer or developer who can barely construct a readable sentence.
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Re: Forbes Rankings - off season topic



Re: Forbes Rankings - off season topic

Postby Drakey » August 1st, 2013, 10:16 am

Forbes appears to have an excellent system for ranking schools.
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