Wichita is a completely different situation than Creighton, Bradley and Drake. I don't think WSU has ever had attendance problems, even when they were terrible. I think it is a different kind of city and a different kind of school. I think Bradley is much more similar to Drake and Creighton than it is to WSU. Obviously I did not make any claim that no school with an on campus facility can draw fans. Nearly every State school in the country has an on campus facility. I'm talking about small private schools in medium sized Midwestern cities. These schools do not come with built in fan bases. The number of alumni is limited and the alumni they do have probably consists of fewer sports fans than most state schools.
It has been my observation that in order to build a fan base at one of these schools you have to be part of the city. Drake at one time had done that. Creighton did that. Bradley traditionally was able to do that before going many years with mediocre teams. I just think it would be a huge mistake to withdraw from the community to a campus facility because based on my experience, that will cause another reduction in fan interest.