DUBulldog wrote:I'm guessing Oregon has an advantage. Not only do they get 2 out of 3 at home, but obviously, Altman knows the strengths of weaknesses of almost every CU player in much greater detail than you'd normally be able to scout.
But, I hope the BJ's put a good old-fashioned ass whooping on DA and the Ducks.

You'd think Altman would have an advantage in knowing the personnel and the players' strengths and weaknesses. I'm not so sure, though.
First, he has no experience with Doug.
Second, although GE was here, Altman never got the opportunity to coach him.
Third, he has no experience with Jahenns.
That's three starters that he has very little inside experience with.
Fourth, although he has had experience with Josh Jones, Josh never really got a chance to do much under Altman and seems to be emerging as a much different player right now than he has been so far in his career.
Fifth, although he definitely knows AY, AY is really playing unbelievably as a facilitator for the rest of the team right now and letting the game come to him. He's not trying to do too much that can just be taken away.
Sixth, he has very little experience with the Kenny that is now on this team -- Kenny was much different under Altman, at least last year.
Seventh, he has very little experience with Wayne playing anything other than the substitute "5" role -- and Wayne has been getting some minutes alongside GE and KL right now.
Nobody else is really doing anything meaningful on this team right now. Darryl Ashford is giving a few spot minutes, but nothing that inside knowledge will help with. Korver is just, well, Korver. Maybe Dana will spend all of his time trying to figure out how to take Korver out of the game or something.
Because so much of CU's success right now is really coming from Doug, GE, JJ, and JM's energy, all of that inside knowledge of some of CU's players might not really help. I just hope the team comes into the game with an attitude of wanting to punch the Ducks in the mouth just like they did UCF last night.