SI article from CNN

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SI article from CNN

Postby agrinut » July 20th, 2011, 10:09 pm

This investigation is only gaining steam with the SEC and now the NCAA. Did the shockers pay for a couple players?
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SI article from CNN



Re: SI article from CNN

Postby MoValley John » July 20th, 2011, 11:05 pm

I don't think this thing has legs. At least not yet. It could gain legs, but as of now, it doesn't.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby agrinut » July 20th, 2011, 11:16 pm

The fact that they specifically mention a current shocker player means it has plenty of leg.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby agrinut » July 20th, 2011, 11:17 pm

The fact that they specifically mention a current shocker player means it has plenty of leg.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby AndShock » July 20th, 2011, 11:46 pm

agrinut wrote:The fact that they specifically mention a current shocker player means it has plenty of leg.

I don't think a player playing for his local AAU team automatically means it has legs. Maybe I missed something, but that's all I got from the article.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby MoValley John » July 21st, 2011, 12:08 am

agrinut wrote:The fact that they specifically mention a current shocker player means it has plenty of leg.

No, it means he played for an AAU team that happened to be run by the decedent. Until you can match a payment for his services to be delivered to Wichita State, you simply have a kid that played for an AAU team that was run by a crook. That in itself, is not an NCAA violation. You might be able to connect Murry to Mark Turgeon and Salinas, but you have no link between Marshall and Salinas. I'm not sure, but I think Murry signed his LOI with Marshall, not Turgeon. Clearly, Marshall didn't buy Murry and Murry didn't sign with A&M.

And while there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that there were schenanigans going on, until you can prove that Wichita State, or any other school for that matter, actually paid for players, you simply have proof that a bunch of coaches made horrible investment decisions with an unlicensed crook. There is no NCAA rule against coaches making poor investments. At least I've never heard of it.

Furthermore, with the exception of Murry, who simply played on the AAU team, no current Shocker employee, nor Shocker employee at the time Murry signed, was "investing" with Salinas. For the link to be made, it would take some sort of paper trail to connect the dots. And I can almost bet that Salinas left no paper trails. None. Without the paper trail, it would almost take an admission from Murry to prove anything. I doubt Murry will say he was bought. I strongly doubt anything can be proven until tangible evidence surfaces. Until then, this is a huge story of interest that will go nowhere.

Moreover, does the NCAA really want this to go anywhere? I bet not. There are too many teams, players and coaches involved for the NCAA to start tossing out sanctions. This Salinas guy had tenticles that streched to 30-40 teams, many of them big names and big dollars, the NCAA doesn't want to place 10% of it's membership on probation. They want this thing to go away, and then they will pass some rules on the investment practices of their coaches.

Like I said, this thing currently has no legs. I agree that it eventually could, but until something concrete surfaces, you have nothing more than a bunch of coaches that didn't "invest" claiming other coaches were cheating, all the while, you have a bunch of coaches that did "invest" simply saying they made bad investment decisions. He said, she said. The guy that knows is dead and ain't talking.

In the end, unless something tangible surfaces, you simply have a ponzi scheme run by an AAU coach that fleeced a bunch of college coaches with whom he gained trust. The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is involved in the investigation. They are investigating the ponzi scheme and the behavior of an unlicensed broker and financial consultant.

Give me a spreadsheet or admission from a player, parent or coach and we have something. Until then, we have conjecture.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby Aargh » July 21st, 2011, 2:35 am

The WSU link from Turgeon investing with a crook to Murry signing with a different coach is less than flimsy.

The KU ticket scandal put maybe $10 mill into the pockets of a couple of AAU coaches that were regularly providing McD's Burger Boys to KU. That one involved the KU athletic department funneling thousands of tickets through alumni (and the father of a player) to two AAU coaches. The ticket scandal existed through the change of an athletic director and a pretty much complete changing of staff in the athletic department who were handling KU tickets. That all happened while KU was on NCAA probation for lack of institutional controls.

That had some stink on it, but there was never a peep from the NCAA.

If Turgeon's "investment" was used to influence Murry, then why did Murry end up at WSU instead of aTm?? WSU has a pretty good Recruiting Forum and some knowledgeable posters with a lot of info. I believe it was an assistant coach that Marshall hired away from Rice who began the recruitment of Murry. I don't believe Turgeon ever recruited Murry - unless he did it at aTm.

If any of Turgeon's "investment" was used to influence Murry, then Turg got ripped off twice instead of just once.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby BirdmanBB » July 21st, 2011, 7:13 am

Cheaters!!! ;) :P
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby bigdawg » July 21st, 2011, 7:40 am

Probably not a big deal but no one is going to want to be linked to this.
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Re: SI article from CNN

Postby Aargh » July 21st, 2011, 10:40 am

What I think is the worst link to WSU is the guy who ripped everybody off somehow got to be a WSU booster. There's no info on how that happened or how he got involved with WSU, but he's a WSU booster.

My guess is that he made a donation to the WSU athletic department to seal the deal with Turgeon. That elite KU education from the flagship university in the state doesn't seem to have worked out too well for Turgeon.

This might help explain why Turgeon keeps leaving good jobs higher-paying gigs.
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