Next Year Predictions

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Next Year Predictions

Postby achrist70 » April 8th, 2013, 7:05 am

Never to early to look to next year

Here is what I see

1. Wichita- Return a bunch of talent, the losses of Hall and Armstead will hurt the shockers early but I think with Early, VanVleet and Baker (who the Valley really hasn't seen) the Shockers should easily be favored to win.

2. Indiana State- I put the sycamores here for what they return, they bring back almost their whole team and that much experience should be huge, but they really did fade late and I don't think they are a dominate #2 pick.

3. Northern Iowa- Yes this is a bit of a homer pick but I think it is the right place to put the Panthers, they return two of what will be the best players in the Valley in a league that loses most of its stars they also return players who saw a lot of time off of the bench, combine that with a good recruiting class I think that this is the right place.

4. Southern Illinois- I know that this again looks high, but I liked the way Barry had this team finish the year and they return a lot of minutes from last year.

5. Missouri State- The Bears were the youngest team in the league last year so improvement is going to happen, I am not sold yet on Lusk so this is where the Bears land for me.

6. Evansville- The Purple Aces lose a lot of fire power with the graduations of Ryan and Cox among others but I like what they could have on the front line with Cesnulevicius and Savwell, plus I thought that Balentine had some very quality games for them this year.

7. Bradley- I think that Geno has it going in the right direction but when you lose two players to the quality of Lemon Jr. and Simms-Edwards it is going to take a while to find your way.

8. Drake- This is the team that intrigues me, on paper Phelps didn't do a terrible job of recruiting but I don't think ever got the most out of his players it will be interesting to see Giacoletti does with this team and how they look going forward

9. Illinois State- They just have lost so much off of this years team I think that they have some quality players, but when you under achieve the way that they did with the talent they had this year this is where I put them.

I also predict that the Jays will finish 6th in the new big east be playing in the CBI at the end of the year, and most in Omaha wanting back in the Valley.
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Next Year Predictions



Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby Valleyball » April 8th, 2013, 8:00 am

I think you need to do some more research. I see some errors. I like the idea of the thread though. Indiana State and Bradley are both wrong factually.

I also don't see why SIU would be ranked that high. But that is just my opinion. Unless they get some late recruits.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby achrist70 » April 8th, 2013, 8:07 am

Duh, I really wanted Walt Lemon Jr. to be a senior, why do I keep thinking that, move the Braves up a couple of spots, how is Indiana State false, they lose one player to transfer and return everyone else.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby Valleyball » April 8th, 2013, 8:10 am

I was referring to the RJ Mahurin transfer. I think he was a decent player.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby valleychamp » April 8th, 2013, 8:22 am

Valley is going to be down next year. Lots of lost talent all across the board.

With that being the case, I don't know enough about most of the rosters to make a real educated league projection. Without studying it more, I would slot WSU as a heavy favorite due to returning talent and depth, with Ind St and UNI behind them.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby Sir Sci » April 8th, 2013, 8:55 am

I agree with the top three teams, but I don't understand why SIU is so high. Sure, they're going to be better this next season, but there's still a lot of dysfunction that needs to be fixed, and they'll still be in the bottom three teams in the conference.

I would also move Bradley up a spot over Evansville, not because Evansville will be terrible or anything, I just think Bradley will be the better team between the two.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby BCPanther » April 8th, 2013, 9:08 am

1-WSU-May have a 14-2 type season.
2-InSU-I don't think they finish this high in the end
3-UNI-Tuttle and Mitchell's team now. Jeremy Morgan is the real deal.
4-Bradley-Geno has finally flushed most of Les's garbage
5-Missouri State-Talented, not sold on coaching
6-Evansville-Marty-Ball will be down, but they always play really hard
7-SIU-Year 2 is always harder than year one.
8-IlSU-Last one out please turn off the lights
9-Drake-Be interesting to see what the roster actually looks like in November. Uncertainty abounds.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby LMS » April 8th, 2013, 10:30 am

Drake, Evansville and Illinois St should be at the bottom. However, in college basketball one good recruit can change the fortune of a season.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby kcmsaluki12 » April 8th, 2013, 11:32 am

1. WSU
2. Indiana St.
3. Northern Iowa
4. MSU
5. Bradley
6. Evansville
8. SIU
9. Drake

The Valley looks like it'll be very weak next year. Hopefully WSU, Indiana St., and Northern Iowa all schedule strong in the non conference so the Valley at least has a chance at multiple bids.
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Re: Next Year Predictions

Postby BCPanther » April 8th, 2013, 11:36 am

UNI's non-con is strong, but not insane like this year.

Paradise Jam with Maryland, Vanderbilt, Providence, LaSalle, Marist, Loyola Marymount, and Morgan State.
Iowa State in Des Moines
@ Ohio
@ Milwaukee
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