NCAA Tournament Bracketology

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NCAA Tournament Bracketology

Postby isuredbirds92 » December 16th, 2014, 3:54 pm

Thought this was interesting. Jerry Palm's latest bracket lists WSU as a 3, UNI as a 9, and ISUr as the first team out. Seemed crazy when I first thought about it, but if we win out the rest of our non-con, win 13 or so games in the valley, 2 wins against WSU/UNI, and make the finals in STL, we're probably a bubble team. Chances of all these stars lining up? Not very likely, but I wouldn't call it completely out of the question.

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NCAA Tournament Bracketology



Re: NCAA Tournament Bracketology

Postby rlh04d » December 16th, 2014, 4:05 pm

If IlSt goes 13-5 in conference, beats Murray State, and wins one each against WSU and UNI ...

That's a 20-9 team with an RPI ~50 (per's Wizard), 4-5 top 100 RPI wins, 3 top 50 RPI wins ...

Basically taking two from WSU/UNI is required to be on the bubble. Probably not good enough to get in, though. I just don't think 4-5 top 100 wins will be enough. NCSt did get in with 6 last year, though.
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Re: NCAA Tournament Bracketology

Postby TheAsianSensation » December 17th, 2014, 3:27 pm

ISU as a last four out team is illogical. I don't care what the inaccurate SoS and RPI says right now. ISU won't have enough high-end wins. A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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