Best MVC Coach

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Best MVC Coach

Postby underdawg » October 8th, 2017, 6:23 pm

I tried not to homer this one too much--but you can do your own homering when you rate them too! ;)

Best Floor Coach

1. Ben Jacobson UNI

2. Matt Lottich Valpo

3. Barry Hinson SIU

4. Dan Muller Il state

5. Greg Lansing Ind State

6. Porter Moser Loyola

7. Brian Wardle Bradley

8. Paul Lusk MSU

9. Marty Simmons EU

10. Niko Medved DU

Best Recruiter:

1. Paul Lusk MSU

2. Muller IlState

3. Porter Moser LU

4. Ben Jacobson UNI

5. Barry Hinson SIU

6. Lottich Valpo

7. Greg Lansing Ind State

8. Wardle
9. Simmons EU

10. Medved DU

The Como score (floor coach plus number in recruiting coach list)

1. Ben Jacobson UNI (five points total)
2. Muller Ilstate (six points)

3-4. Hinson and Lottich (8 points)

5-6. Lusk Moser (9 points)

7. Medved (11 points)

8. Lansing (12 points

9. Wardle (15 points)

10. Simmons (18 points)
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Best MVC Coach



Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby MissouriValleyUnite » October 8th, 2017, 7:29 pm

1 Jacobson
2 Muller
3 Medved
4 Wardle
5 Hinson
6 Lottich
7 Lansing
8 Moser
9 Simmons
10 Lusk

Medved's a gut feeling.
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby siudawgs » October 8th, 2017, 7:48 pm

I think the larger point here is the MVC is sorely lacking in high-caliber head coaches, hence the disturbing current state of the league. Other than Jacobson, there are coaches who either still have much to prove or are lucky they're still hanging on to their jobs.
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby Jsnhbe1Birds » October 8th, 2017, 9:26 pm

1. Jacobson
2. Muller. I think he's the best but Jacobson has the track record.
3. Wardle
4. Lottich
5. Moser
6. Hinson
7. Medved
8. Lusk
9. Lansing
10. Simmons
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby AndShock » October 9th, 2017, 2:47 am

1. Jacobson
2. Muller
3. Wardle
4. Medved
5. Lottich
6. Moser
7. Hinson
8. Lansing
9. Lusk
10. Simmons

I wouldn't be surprised if the top 5 ended up in a different order, the rest are pretty well set.
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby Old School MVC » October 9th, 2017, 5:15 am

I don't know much about Lottich and Medved so I will not rate them.

Floor Coach:
1. Jacobson
2. Lansing
3. Wardle
4. Muller
5. Barry
6. Moser
7. Lusk
8. Simmons

1. Lusk
2. Muller
3. Barry
4. Moser
5. Jacobson
6. Wardle
7. Simmons
8. Lansing

Total (Tiebreaker goes to floor coach ranking)
1. Jacobson 6pts
2. Muller 6 pts
3. Barry 8pts
4. Lusk 8pts
5. Wardle 9pts
6. Lansing 10 pts
7. Moser 10pts
8. Simmons 15pts
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby BCPanther » October 9th, 2017, 7:58 am

Without Alize, would anybody have Lusk anywhere near the best recruiter? One big time hit doesn't move you that far up the rankings by itself. Tell me how many of his 'big time' guys have really been great players.

1-Jacobson-It's not close
2-Muller-Feel his big time success will come outside of Normal
3-Wardle-Early returns are good. Has won games he's had no business winning
4-Hinson-Love him or hate him, he's won a lot of games and had good teams
5-Moser-Very good recruiter, apparently didn't learn enough on the bench from Majerus
6-Lottich-Lots of unknowns for a 2nd year guy, we'll find out with increase in competition
7-Lansing-The shine is off. Odum is long gone and brining in Pierre Pierce is really questionable decision
8-Medved-I assume he'll move up quickly and then be gone. Long way from Furman to the Valley
9-Lusk-Decent recruiter. So, so, so awful on the bench.
10-Simmons-Marty gon' Marty
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby underdawg » October 9th, 2017, 8:07 am

I might move up Jacobson on the recruiting a bit in that he recruits guys not necessarily on athletic ability but to fit his system--especially on front court defense where he gets horses to compliment his "pack-it-in "D" that cuts down on lay-ups and short shots---but if he runs into good outside shooting teams, it doesn't work so well sometimes--you have to be able to hit the midrange "J" to beat him.
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby Play Angry » October 9th, 2017, 9:11 am

BCPanther wrote:Without Alize, would anybody have Lusk anywhere near the best recruiter? One big time hit doesn't move you that far up the rankings by itself. Tell me how many of his 'big time' guys have really been great players.

1-Jacobson-It's not close
2-Muller-Feel his big time success will come outside of Normal
3-Wardle-Early returns are good. Has won games he's had no business winning
4-Hinson-Love him or hate him, he's won a lot of games and had good teams
5-Moser-Very good recruiter, apparently didn't learn enough on the bench from Majerus
6-Lottich-Lots of unknowns for a 2nd year guy, we'll find out with increase in competition
7-Lansing-The shine is off. Odum is long gone and brining in Pierre Pierce is really questionable decision
8-Medved-I assume he'll move up quickly and then be gone. Long way from Furman to the Valley
9-Lusk-Decent recruiter. So, so, so awful on the bench.
10-Simmons-Marty gon' Marty

I was going to post my own list but this one mirrors mine so closely that there is no point. Medved and Lottich probably deserve an asterisk of sorts as it is too early to tell for both of them.

As for top dog, there really is no credible argument against Jacobson at this point. 11 seasons, 4 NCAA bids, 4 NCAA wins. The rest of the coaches in the MVC have a combined 1 bid (Lansing) either within or outside of the MVC and 0 wins.

That second sentence is startling.
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Re: Best MVC Coach

Postby Born2Shock » October 9th, 2017, 9:25 am

BCPanther wrote:Without Alize, would anybody have Lusk anywhere near the best recruiter? One big time hit doesn't move you that far up the rankings by itself. Tell me how many of his 'big time' guys have really been great players.

1-Jacobson-It's not close
2-Muller-Feel his big time success will come outside of Normal
3-Wardle-Early returns are good. Has won games he's had no business winning
4-Hinson-Love him or hate him, he's won a lot of games and had good teams
5-Moser-Very good recruiter, apparently didn't learn enough on the bench from Majerus
6-Lottich-Lots of unknowns for a 2nd year guy, we'll find out with increase in competition
7-Lansing-The shine is off. Odum is long gone and brining in Pierre Pierce is really questionable decision
8-Medved-I assume he'll move up quickly and then be gone. Long way from Furman to the Valley
9-Lusk-Decent recruiter. So, so, so awful on the bench.
10-Simmons-Marty gon' Marty

UNI should have no trouble going at least 17-1 with far and away the best coach then.
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