MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

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Who wins this year's MVC Player of the Year?

Alize Johnson
Clayton Custer
Reed Timmer
Milik Yarbrough
Ryan Taylor
Jordan Barnes
No votes
Brenton Scott
Total votes : 57

MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby BirdsEyeView » February 16th, 2018, 4:13 pm

Season is winding down and the vote is 2 weeks out. So, who wins the Larry Bird Player of the Year??
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MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?



Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby VU2014 » February 16th, 2018, 4:20 pm

Alize is the better pro prospect but I'd go with Custer for the MVC MVP.

Missouri State has had a disappointing season which hurts his chances, imo.
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby Hrtnfldhse » February 16th, 2018, 4:34 pm

I was also thinking about the 1st team, which 5 make that team
I believe it will be Custer, best player best team but Alize is probably the most talented overall player
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby GoSIU88 » February 16th, 2018, 4:36 pm

General Custer from Rogers Park will win it, but Johnson is the best player in the conference. My second pick would be Ryan Taylor from Evans Patch.
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby Jsnhbe1Birds » February 16th, 2018, 5:21 pm

I think ryan taylor should win but reed timmer is a close second. They won't though. I don't think Custer will win. And, he shouldnt. Both him and taylor missed time but Taylor's numbers are better overall. Huge lead in points. Johnson will win. He shouldnt. I'm sorry but I just don't see the hype. 15.6 points? He's a possible first rounder at 15.6 points in the valley? The Redbirds have 3 guys better than that. Nothing special. He has dsome nice rebounding numbers at 11.5 but outside of that he only has 0.5 steals and 0.5 blocks, 2.6 assists, and 29% from 3. Hard pass if I'm an NBA team. After looking at each players stats my ballot looks like this:

1. Taylor
2. Timmer
3. Johnson
4. Yarbrough
5. Custer
6. Barnes
7. Scott (not even worth a mention on this ballot)
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby Blers » February 16th, 2018, 5:53 pm

Johnson’s a massive talent and a great pro prospect held back by coaching.

Biased but gotta go with Custer. 20-2 with him in the lineup, 2-3 without. Also dishes the ball really well with 4 per game and 1.5 steals. More than anything though, he’s come through with so many clutch shots this year to stop runs or put us ahead.

Evansville players are always affected, fairly or not, by the system they play in which inflates scoring some. And I don’t know if Timmer has come up big in big games often enough this year, but I don’t have the numbers so I could be wrong!
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby musiccitybulldog » February 16th, 2018, 6:51 pm

Reed Timmer Player of the Year by miles. Can score and a team leader. He also played basketball while working on a Pharmacy degree. Not sure anyone has done that.

My second choice would be Custer who is a great player.

Third choice Barnes from Indiana State.
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby goramblers2011 » February 16th, 2018, 8:50 pm

Jsnhbe1Birds wrote:I think ryan taylor should win but reed timmer is a close second. They won't though. I don't think Custer will win. And, he shouldnt. Both him and taylor missed time but Taylor's numbers are better overall. Huge lead in points. Johnson will win. He shouldnt. I'm sorry but I just don't see the hype. 15.6 points? He's a possible first rounder at 15.6 points in the valley? The Redbirds have 3 guys better than that. Nothing special. He has dsome nice rebounding numbers at 11.5 but outside of that he only has 0.5 steals and 0.5 blocks, 2.6 assists, and 29% from 3. Hard pass if I'm an NBA team. After looking at each players stats my ballot looks like this:

1. Taylor
2. Timmer
3. Johnson
4. Yarbrough
5. Custer
6. Barnes
7. Scott (not even worth a mention on this ballot)

Custer 5th? :huh: :huh: :huh: :Beer: :Beer: :Beer: :roll: :roll:
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby Jsnhbe1Birds » February 16th, 2018, 8:59 pm

goramblers2011 wrote:
Jsnhbe1Birds wrote:I think ryan taylor should win but reed timmer is a close second. They won't though. I don't think Custer will win. And, he shouldnt. Both him and taylor missed time but Taylor's numbers are better overall. Huge lead in points. Johnson will win. He shouldnt. I'm sorry but I just don't see the hype. 15.6 points? He's a possible first rounder at 15.6 points in the valley? The Redbirds have 3 guys better than that. Nothing special. He has dsome nice rebounding numbers at 11.5 but outside of that he only has 0.5 steals and 0.5 blocks, 2.6 assists, and 29% from 3. Hard pass if I'm an NBA team. After looking at each players stats my ballot looks like this:

1. Taylor
2. Timmer
3. Johnson
4. Yarbrough
5. Custer
6. Barnes
7. Scott (not even worth a mention on this ballot)

Custer 5th? :huh: :huh: :huh: :Beer: :Beer: :Beer: :roll: :roll:

Custer 14.5 ppg and 4.0 assists (his second biggest attribute)

Taylor - 21.3 ppg. Enough said
Yarbrough - 16.5 ppg and 4.6 assists. Both better than Custer.
Johnson - 15.6 ppg and 11.5 rebounds . Ppg better and second best attribute kills anyone in the valley.

Yeah, it's easy to make a legitimate case for Custer at 4th or 5th. Stop being biased.
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Re: MVC Player of the Year - Who you got?

Postby MissouriValleyUnite » February 16th, 2018, 10:40 pm

Systems, coaching, chemistry, dynamics differ so much team to team that I put little consideration into stats.

Clayton Custer is a special player we rarely see in the Valley. His leadership on the floor is palpable. I’ve always wondered what Loyola’s +/- is with/without him on the floor each game. He just has that sixth sense on the court no one else does. He reminds me of Ron Baker. The 20-2/2-3 split isn’t surprising.

Most valuable players to their team IMO:
1 Clayton
2 Alize
3 Reed
4 Yarbrough
5 Taylor

Taylor’s great but I feel like I’ve seen the same movie the last 8 years in Evansville.
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