Drakey wrote:I continue to be amazed a the lack of coverage Drake gets in it's hometown newspaper. Some games don't even get an article. There is never a preview of any game. We lost one of our best players to injury and it has not even been mentioned in Des Moines newspaper. I am curious as to whether any other Valley teams receive such lack of coverage in their hometown papers.does anybody else have this problem? Thursdays victory resulted in a two paragraph one column article on page 3 or 4 of the sports section.do any of the other schools NOT get a front page article when they win a game? We haven't had a photo from a game this season.
DUBulldog wrote:The Register seems to have some articles on-line about Drake that never make the actual printed paper. Coverage of Drake has never been good. 40 years ago, when I was a student, Drake outdrew Iowa State regularly, but still received 3rd class coverage in the local paper. As the Register continues to lay off reporters/writers, it's gotten even worse. They have made a decision that they would be all Iowa/Iowa State all the time.
BigMacAttack wrote:Drakey wrote:I continue to be amazed a the lack of coverage Drake gets in it's hometown newspaper. Some games don't even get an article. There is never a preview of any game. We lost one of our best players to injury and it has not even been mentioned in Des Moines newspaper. I am curious as to whether any other Valley teams receive such lack of coverage in their hometown papers.does anybody else have this problem? Thursdays victory resulted in a two paragraph one column article on page 3 or 4 of the sports section.do any of the other schools NOT get a front page article when they win a game? We haven't had a photo from a game this season.
I saw the "Part of the USA Today Network" on the website for the Des Moines Register and knew exactly how you feel. The Evansville Courier is also part of that network.
However the paper has a dedicated beat writer in Pat Hickey that does an excellent job covering the Aces. He tweets about the Aces, is a member of the PurpleAcesFans forum, and provides great coverage. The one complaint for us paper reading fans is that the post game article is usually not the next morning but the second morning after the game.
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