Valley non-conference SoS

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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby Tom Servo » April 6th, 2011, 12:20 pm

OutsideShot wrote:I believe UE is also at UNC.

You are correct! Hopefully it turns out little better than our game against them last year did.
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS



Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby SubGod22 » April 6th, 2011, 12:35 pm

those numbers don't include post season. I saw numbers at least very similar before post season began.

And why don't those games count? You schedule KNOWING those games are on the schedule.

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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby WSUbballer » April 6th, 2011, 9:27 pm

Take away any team's "non-scheduled" games and let's see their schedules.

The games didn't include postseason, so WSU's OOC was the best in the conference. WSU is the last team you should be calling heads for.
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby cu8493 » April 7th, 2011, 8:32 am

Altman fueled the building of his program at CU on a solid SOS, usually having one of the top two or three - if not the top - non conference SOS in the league. My recollection is our non-conference SOS was in the top 50 many of those years. As a result of the Elgin rule, more than half the league also carried top 100 or so SOS in those days, so no one dropped precipitously in conference once we got into conference play. In about 2005, that changed, when CUs nonconference SOS began to drop. Today, CU's non conference SOS is embarrasing - as is the nonconference SOS of most of the league. It is no wonder we have gone from a media darling as a conference to a one-bid league with very little bubble talk on a national level. The unfortunate reality, IMO, is that our ADs are now favoring revenue over SOS and will not take any action to move back to the Elgin rule. As a result, the ADs and coaches are under no pressure other than to schedule buy games to fill out 18 game home schedules. Our league has some really good underclassman and could be talent wise on a level of the hey-days of 5-10 years ago. But, I don't see us improving non conference schedules enough to put us back at the point where we were the bain of the BCS conferences. I will continue to hope for that, but I won't be holding my breath.
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby pafan » April 7th, 2011, 10:41 am

1) Wichita State-59
2) Indiana State 138
3) Evansville 158
4) Northern Iowa 170
5) Missouri State 199
6) Creighton 219
7) Southern Illinois 233
8) Bradley 279
9) Drake 281
10) Illinois State 332

This list was posted on this board, sourced to, by hacksaw on February 21. There were 2 Valley games left.

Anyone able to explain the discrepancies if the post-season is not included?
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby Heinro » April 7th, 2011, 11:16 am

The non-con for most teams looks great. I'm very happy about WSU's already. Utah St., UNLV at home, VCU on the road, and Padre is way better then we've had for the last few years.

Hopefully all the teams can perform as we expect and hope and the Valley will be able to retake it non-bcs prominence. Pair that with most of the other competing conferences looking to be down, Colonial and Mountain West in particular, should be an exciting season for the Valley.

Or maybe I'm a little too optimistic.
Thoughts and prayers to WSU finding a new conference.
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby TNMSUFAN » April 7th, 2011, 11:36 am

BirdmanBB wrote:MSU: OK St., New Mexico, Vegas Classic

Bears also play @ Nevada and have Tulsa @ home
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby SubGod22 » April 7th, 2011, 12:50 pm

Heinro wrote:The non-con for most teams looks great. I'm very happy about WSU's already. Utah St., UNLV at home, VCU on the road, and Padre is way better then we've had for the last few years.

Hopefully all the teams can perform as we expect and hope and the Valley will be able to retake it non-bcs prominence. Pair that with most of the other competing conferences looking to be down, Colonial and Mountain West in particular, should be an exciting season for the Valley.

Or maybe I'm a little too optimistic.

Shox are in Puerto Rico, not Padre, next year. Also, Tulsa is a Top 100 team and we'll be traveling there.

USU and UNLV are two nice home games. Both should be solid. We should expect a pretty decent BB opponent on the road as well. As long as we take care of business we should be fine. I don't recall who all is in Puerto Rico with us but winning a couple there could go a long way. UNLV should be tough, but with a new coach, who knows what to expect. I think we'll win the USU, Tulsa and VCU games. If we do in fact play VCU.

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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby WSUbballer » April 7th, 2011, 2:21 pm

[quote="pafan"]1) Wichita State-59
2) Indiana State 138
3) Evansville 158
4) Northern Iowa 170
5) Missouri State 199
6) Creighton 219
7) Southern Illinois 233
8) Bradley 279
9) Drake 281
10) Illinois State 332

This list was posted on this board, sourced to, by hacksaw on February 21. There were 2 Valley games left.

Anyone able to explain the discrepancies if the post-season is not included?[/quote]

It sure got quiet in here when you posted those numbers up. Thanks.

Really funny that an SIU fan is frowning upon WSU and their scheduling. Really, REALLY funny. :lol:
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Re: Valley non-conference SoS

Postby Snapshot9 » April 7th, 2011, 4:11 pm

The 2011 Honda Puerto Rico Tip-Off includes:

Wichita State
(The last team to be announced at a later date)
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