No, I mean a conference that is respected and garners multiple NCAA bids as well as the better players in the nation. The MVC is known as a midmajor conference filled mostly with midmajor (or lower) teams. It's hard to be the "bright shining star" in the MVC because of the defensive nature of this league. There are many teams in this league that can be effective against a BCS-style team but their methodology encourages boring basketball. This boring basketball stifles the effectiveness of great players by dragging the athleticism down to the lowest common denominator.
To garner national respect you must have size and athleticism; you must pass the eye test if you will. Valley play mitigates much of the benefits of an athletic team by choking things up. There are a lot of coaches that only see their program as a stepping stone. They aren't worried about nationally competitive teams or putting on a good show. They are merely trying to rack up wins, get an invite to the NCAAs so they can get to the next level. Wichita State, being the next level, wants to do this all now.
HCGM has the difficult job of recruiting BCS-type players to a league where they will get treated differently than if they were playing in a BCS conference. All one has to do is look at Garrett Stutz and how the refs treat him in here compared to the NIT tournament. It's enough to make one believe in conspiracy theories against Wichita State. I noticed the same thing with Paul Miller years ago. It's almost as if the MVC doesn't want big players coming here so they stifle their play in the league... *places tinfoil hat on head*