by MoValley John » August 11th, 2011, 11:40 am
Reality check time. 10 Points.
1. Nobody is butthurt.
2. Wichita State played everyone on the roster.
3. Regardless of being an exhibition, no matter how he paints it, Gregg Marshall HATES to lose.
4. Gregg Marshall, as much as it hurts him, will put winning aside and put his team in a position to lose in an exhibition. Learning as a team is bigger than winning.
5. The Brazilion National Team would beat every team in the Valley. Even teams with Odum on the roster.
6. Losing to Team Brazil and pointing to it being the day before final cuts is a cop out.
7. These games are meaningless.
8. As fans and not coaches, there is little to take from these games, good or bad. That is one step ahead of Summer pick up games where you can take nothing from them.
9. Gregg Marshall knows what he is doing and these games are not indicative of how the Shockers will play this season, in there own country, against familiar competition and by college rules.
10. The trip will be a great learning opportunity for the Shockers, the W's and L's are not important.
Shocker fans need to understand that two losses in exhibitions will bring out vitriol from all fanbases. Shocker fans should also admit that had UNI dropped a game, they would have been all over it. It doesn't mean that Shocker fans are butthurt, it means they are participating in the decades old practice of riding the opposing fanbase. Other fans "riding" Wichita State aren't butthurt, either, they are just giving Shockers a dose of smacktalk. Creighton fans need to be prepared for a loss or two in the Bahamas, if it happens, fans of other teams will pounce. Winning or losing in the Bahamas will have no indication on how the Bluejay season will unfold, it will simply give the team a little extra time to learn how to play together and give coaches more time to evaluate weaknesses and areas in which the team needs to improve.
For the record, I love smack talk! But this is a "smack-free" environment of which I can respect. That said, a little dogging on the Shockers is expected after starting the exhibition trip 0-2. Moreso, considering how some Shocker fans were riding UNI for having such an "inferior" trip to Brazil, a little ribbing is in order. It all means nothing.
There are three rules that I live by, never get less than 12 hours sleep, never gamble with a guy who has the same first name as a city and never get involved with a chick with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Stick to that and everything else is gravy!