VERY early record predictions

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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby Jays26 » September 9th, 2011, 1:42 pm

I am a glass half full kind of guy.

Assuming no MAJOR injuries or distractions, and Greg doesn't come back worn out,
I am going to say 24-6. :o :buddies:

Make it to the Championship game and we should have a bid secured regardless.
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Re: VERY early record predictions



Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby SubGod22 » September 9th, 2011, 1:50 pm

WSU has one more game left to schedule and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a crap school so I have no problem counting that one as a win. I'll leave off the BB game since we don't know the opponent, but I like our chances in it :dance: I have the noncon record at 10-1. Conference record at 13-3. That puts us at 23-4 minus the bracket buster. I may be too optimistic, but that's what I've got.

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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby tribecalledquest » September 9th, 2011, 2:11 pm

MoBraves wrote:It's up in the air for BU - the most unpredictable season in quite some time. But I can tell you that we've got 2 of the top 10 in the Valley, as Mr. Brown will step up from a solid sophomore season, and Dyricus-Simms Edwards will become this team's leader. Also key returning guys will improve under this new system.

I took the worst case scenario & best case, and then took the average of those to come up with my prediction.

Worst case: 12-19 (7-11 in Valley)
Best case: 20-11 (11-7 in Valley)

I'm going with -- BU -- 16-15 (9-9 in Valley)
As a BU fan, as most of us are, we are optimistic that we can get to 20 wins, but having a winning record is attainable and more realistic.

Dude...if Bradley gets to 9-9 in the MVC I will buy you as many beverages as you want MVC Tourney weekend in St. Louis.
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » September 9th, 2011, 7:07 pm

Just going game by game for Missouri State's non-conference I am having a hard time between fixing it at 11-1 or 10-2. Winning at the Pit in ABQ is next to impossible so that is the one I don't see us getting. I think we might lose a game in Vegas but on a neutral court I'd still feel very good about the Bears against both oponents. With the Valley I see 13-5 or 14-4. So overall I predict something between 23-7 and 25-5. With our young team outsiders may roll their eyes, but I think that is where we will be. Kyle is the best player in this league and he will lead us especially on the road. Coach Lusk is a total stud and is a big time upgrade over the guy from East St. Louis that lead us previously (all ready forgot his name ha ha).
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby AndShock » September 9th, 2011, 7:48 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Just going game by game for Missouri State's non-conference I am having a hard time between fixing it at 11-1 or 10-2. Winning at the Pit in ABQ is next to impossible so that is the one I don't see us getting. I think we might lose a game in Vegas but on a neutral court I'd still feel very good about the Bears against both oponents. With the Valley I see 13-5 or 14-4. So overall I predict something between 23-7 and 25-5. With our young team outsiders may roll their eyes, but I think that is where we will be. Kyle is the best player in this league and he will lead us especially on the road. Coach Lusk is a total stud and is a big time upgrade over the guy from East St. Louis that lead us previously (all ready forgot his name ha ha).

I am rolling my eyes and rolling on the floor laughing. :dance:

This is 10x worse than the Bradley 9-9 prediction.
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby valleychamp » September 9th, 2011, 8:31 pm

He's the gift that keeps on giving.
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby glm38 » September 9th, 2011, 9:05 pm

Casey I think we'll be better than expected too. Possibly much better. But realistically I don't see us finishing that high. I think we will probably struggle at times because of our new coach's inexperience and with trying to integrate so many new players. That will probably cost us some games. But hopefully by the end of the year we'll be ready to make some noise.

I've been watching this thread with interest to see if any MSU or UNI fans post predictions. For both teams there are so many variables and unknowns that predicting anything is a total crapshoot.

But kudos for being brave enough to post what you think.
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby tribecalledquest » September 9th, 2011, 9:59 pm

I haven't done the math but so far after we've seen predictions for 7 teams it appears as if the MVC will go 140-40 in conference games :Bam:
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby panther-state » September 9th, 2011, 10:24 pm

tribecalledquest wrote:I haven't done the math but so far after we've seen predictions for 7 teams it appears as if the MVC will go 140-40 in conference games :Bam:

Well I could see 140 losses between SIU and Drake ;)
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Re: VERY early record predictions

Postby glm38 » September 10th, 2011, 6:53 am

tribecalledquest wrote:I haven't done the math but so far after we've seen predictions for 7 teams it appears as if the MVC will go 140-40 in conference games :Bam:

That's funny. But pretty predictable. Most fans (fanatics) have high expectations for their team.
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