Crappy first half; very nice second half. It was still an exhibition game with a lot of experimenting going on.
I will say it was nice to see some basketball played and I'm already starting to like this team.
SubGod22 wrote:Not sure that I'd say Stutz had any problems in the first half. He simply missed on a couple of hooks that you'd like to see go in. Especially with a smaller defender. But his moves were strong and quicker than in the past.
Ehimen didn't come close to out playing Stutz, but he looked effective. Not sure he committed a foul and blocked a few shots and caused a number of misses around the basket. He and Hall can dominate the boards.
Hall is a BEAST. He's one of those guys that can just rebound. He very well could challenge Seck for that title this year.
I'd be surprised if Cotton redshirt. Very good defender and doesn't screw up much of anything.
Wessel and Baker could both contribute this year if needed. But they're not needed with the depth we have.
White struggled on D. But I'm not too concrerned. He can contribute this year if he's needed. Definitely needs to bulk up some in the long run.
Anacreon looked better. Would love if he gives the coaches enough confidence to redshirt White. Not sure that's the case though.
I'm excited. Can't wait for the games to matter.
ictjay wrote:Still think White's a 3.
2livewu wrote:ictjay, you always have good insight and perspective on WSU from the standpoint of a Jay....I assume you were in attendance last evening, anything stand out to you, one way or the other?
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