by BEARZ77 » October 28th, 2016, 8:22 am
Just two coaches approach but the Bear's football team and WBB have had recent instances. The LB's had a player who otherwise is the epitome of solid student athlete[ no previous issues, good student, GPA etc] get a DUI about a month ago. She has been suspended for the year; not sure on the scholy but no team basketball activities. What I liked was in talking to CKH it was more about the player having the time to refocus on herself and her get any needed help than just punishment. Yes there were consequences and yes the player has to meet some behavioral goals to be reinstated, but it seems like the players well-being was the focus. These are young adults who more often than not need some counseling and help not just immediate banishment or token slaps. A well rounded approach including targeted help should always be part of the equation.
Also the starting QB for the Bears was suspended for the year following a charge of animal cruelty. Also has behavioral goals to meet to be reinstated for the 2017-2018 season. I liked that both instances had quick standards imposed with both consequences/responsibility but chances for reinstatement.
Two very different circumstances and two different programs and coaches, but in both instances I thought appropriate responses.
The Bear is the largest carnivore on the North American continent; beware the Bear!