by uniftw » June 26th, 2017, 3:46 pm
Apparently J-Mo isn't a Warrior...yet.
This has been an interesting thing to follow. He said he was, then apparently he got a few offers so he didn't sign with Golden State for the summer league. After reviewing those offers they weren't quite as good so he went back to his GSW offer. Then a few other offers came in and it sounds like he won't be joining Golden State.
Latest news is that Memphis has offered him a deal that would include undisclosed guaranteed money, an invite to the training camp roster, and a guaranteed spot on the G League roster.
Who knows how accurate that is, but I believe that would make him the first Panther to be in a training camp. Wes, Seth, Jordan and Adam Koch all played Summer League and Adam and Wes have played (Wes still is) D League ball.
I think the way the roster moves have work with Memphis moving their G League team to Memphis is that Wes is still with the Grizzlies. So that G League team would/could have Wes and J-Mo on it. That'd be pretty neat.
Hopefully one/both of them gets some NBA minutes this year. Would be the first Panthers to ever do so. Had 2 guys drafted in the 70s but never saw NBA action (or made the roster I don't think).
Jeremy has the defense down, it's his shooting that will get him to stick. Was never thought of as a knock down shooter, but he's worked hard at it. Was one of the top shooters at ever NBA camp/workout he went too.