Right, I know that but I don't count non-scholarship football for these purposes, because they have little impact on the budget. With all the tuition dollars they generate it can even be profitable.
My only reservation with Murray State is that their budget of $1,957,966 would rank last in the Valley. I guess the question that should be asked is, how do we know their success is sustainable? They can't/won't pay their coach more than $400k. How much turnover can you endure without hitting a Chris Lowery?
This is a good read:
https://www.wpsdlocal6.com/2019/03/27/b ... y-mcmahon/
For the better part of 30 years, this Racer program has been in constant rebuild-mode. To the credit of the coaches, and the program as a whole, the rebuild always happens and success always follows. I just think it’s time to find a way to stop the coaching turnover and the natural step-back that comes with change. Going back to the end of the Steve Newton era, there is almost always a decline the year after a coach leaves for greener pastures. There may be myriad reasons for that, but it happens. For this example, I won’t include Tevester Anderson’s departure, since he didn’t leave Murray State to springboard to a bigger school.