tribecalledquest wrote:BuBrave2006 wrote:tribecalledquest wrote:This is where the college line should be. Let's get the 24 second shot clock and quarters and call it a day.
Genuine question, why is a 24 second shot clock so much better than 30? I never really understood that. I get that you will have more possessions in a game and theoretically more points but with less time to score, I would expect quality of shot to go down as well as shooting percentages. I'm not really for or against either amount of time, just never understood why many people seem to think 24 will be better.
The quality of shots wouldn't go down. Maybe at first because of the adjustment but once teams and, more importantly, coaches, adjust the quality of shots would equalize.
And the best shots don't come late in the shot clock anyway. They come early. The shots now from five down on the shot clock aren't near as good as ones early in the clock - generally speaking.
I just disagree, I think that the shots that teams normally get with 7-13 seconds remaining on the shot clock will turn into rushed shots at the end of the shot clock. The "pro shorter shot clock" crowd I feel like has an NBA mindset where teams can get shots whenever they want because there is so much individual talent.
When a good defensive team scores a basket and can get back and set their defense, with only 24 seconds, it can be very difficult to score against. That can become even more difficult if you play a team that plays token pressure and forces you to walk the ball up the court. All of a sudden you're crossing midcourt with 15 seconds left and you haven't even started running your offense yet. I see no problem with 30 and I think that 24 would be a bit too rushed.
As for shots early vs late in the shot clock. Theoretically you will get the same amount of shots early in the shot clock because you will get those types of shots exactly the same. Whereas you will get more end of shot clock shots because the end of the shot clock will come up more often than it used to since it is 6 seconds shorter.
This isn't a hill I am willing to die on or anything, maybe I am wrong and 24 is better than 30, but I just can't see it being unequivocally better than some people seem to think it would be.