give me heart wrote:wildjays wrote:Would I look pretty homerish if I took Ahelegbe out and put Antoine Young in? I know it is not right to have two players on the first team all-valley when they finished 4th in the conference, but for what they meant to their team and their consistency throughout the season, it is really tough to just decide between McDermott and Young which one deserves to be on the first team.
It is tough to pick a Shocker because they were all so balanced all season and even tough to pick Ahelegbe because he was somewhat inconsistent during the season. Even Weems was a little invisible at times, but you have to have someone from the conference champs in the first team. And for what he did, he probably does deserve Player of the Year honors.
Andrew Warren because he pretty much dominated in scoring because he had to for Bradley and no one could really stop him.
Antoine Young was in the top 15 in six different league categories and the amount of minutes he played speak for themselves and how important he was to the Bluejays. McDermott dominated in a lot of areas throughout the season and as a freshman did a lot of things that have not happened in a long time. Without him, who knows how many games Creighton would have actually won. He was in the top 15 in six different league categories for the season as well.
So I know I am a homer, but Young and McDermott belong on the Valley first team. I am probably wrong, but what constitutes to being All-Valley? Maybe I'm looking at a different set of criteria.
As mentioned AY and DMc did a lot for their teams who know how they would have done without them....both of them where in the top 15 in six different league catagories....Jake Odum was in the top 15 in seven catagories. Go look it up. Where does he belong?
Well and maybe that is also where I am confused. Is the All-Valley team just based on performance within the conference or does it take into account the whole season? Yes, Odum is in the top 15 in seven categories for conference play, but for the overall season only in 4 categories in the top 15. Whereas Young and McDermott were in the top 15 in six categories in both the full season and conference season.
I agree that Odum was a key component to the success of Indiana State this conference season, but it took him until Conference play to make the impact that he did. With Young and McDermott, they showed consistency throughout the full season.