Keno Davis fired

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Re: Keno Davis out at Providence

Postby DUBulldog » March 11th, 2011, 4:18 pm

PeKaph wrote:Does Drake make the phone call to see if he's interested?

Two things....

1. Keno burned a lot of bridges here.

2. His recruiting at Drake was beyond bad.

He caught lightning in a bottle, knew his value would never be higher and got the hell out of Dodge as fast as he could. Would he do a good job coaching Phelps' players? Probably. Would he be able to maintain the talent level that Phelps has brought in? Very doubtful.
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Re: Keno Davis out at Providence



Re: Keno Davis fired

Postby Ace Dad » March 11th, 2011, 10:03 pm

One can never "go back home." Our mind tells us that "home" is the same. It is not. The neighbors have moved. The postman is dead. The pretty girl down the street married the basketball player. The factory closed down.
There is no difference between basketball and life. Give both your best and ignore the "fans" on the sideline.
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