AngryShock wrote:I don't see MSU finishing better than 4th if things go great for them or worse than 6th. I'm guessing 5th. I don't understand why rhl is so focused on the Bears not improving. They were playing better at the end of the season no matter what the record says. And they were something like the 5th youngest roster in all of college and were playing a number of FR. Those kids should improve a decent amount going into this year and MSU should be much better.
I definitely think MSU is going to improve. And I think they'll probably finish 5th. I have a problem with some MoSt fans regularly going on about how they have one of the most proven and talented rosters in the conference and then hedging their bets with "top half or better." 5th place in the conference next season will probably still be sub-.500. If the team has as much talent as the Bears fans keep claiming (what was it about being more talented and deeper than the MoSt team that won the conference?) 5th place should be a big letdown.
I figure they're a 16 win team and probably 8-10 in conference.