I always liked Bradley and ISUr, and excluding geographic proximity couldn't quite figure out the dislike the Bradley fans had for the Redbirds (or vice versa)
After the past two seasons, I think I'm starting to understand. I have never seen more attempts at spinning the truth and placing blame at the innocent than what I have read regarding the WSU ISUr games. There are a lot of real classy older ISUr fans that represent their school well, and then there exists a plethora of younger fans that pour out of the Redbird woodwork to discredit their entire university, players, and fans with nonsense, hostility, and fabrication. Even the Redbird message board highlights some of these fans admitting to throwing objects or supporting the action that objects were thrown on the court and at WSU players.
What is sad about all of this is the ISU fan behavior continues to fuel the flames against a decent kid and hard player. Jackie Carmichael's actions weren't premeditated. It just happened-- in the battle of a hard fought contest. But the continued antics of ISUr fans to defend it
actually makes it harder on him.
1. Jackie fouls a player with a kick to the face and/or chest. In a wierd turn of non-sequential events, both teams shoot and make 2 free throws. Watch the replay... even the fans groan when the WSU player hits the deck.
2. ISU loses the game in large part because a player lost the ball out of bounds with under 30s left leading the game by 2 points, and WSU started hitting clutch 3 pointers.
3. Fans threw debris on the court (whether coins, hats, mini-basketballs, popcorn, roll-ups, etc...
doesn't matter) due to frustration over ISU losing the game
4. ISU (assistant) coach endeavors to instigate a melee at the door of the WSU visitor locker room because he felt his buddy was being disrespected in the handshake line

Gosh. How terrible the disrespect
The younger (they've got to be young) ISUr fan base is losing a lot of respect and credibility.
As far as the two teams meeting up in the MoVal tournament.... I HOPE they DO meet up again. I think it would be a good game.
Come on Redbirds. You're better than this!