Wichita State classless coach and players

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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby cpacmel » February 19th, 2013, 2:07 pm

shocktheheart wrote:So your student section throwing objects at players is fine? Seems like you just want to argue over pettydetails. I don't believe Carmichael's "kick" was intentional, but I do believe it should have been a flagrant foul.

Never said it was fine. I actually think it's really stupid and immature.

All I said was no coins were tossed. That just never happened. And I thought it was important to be truthful in all. I have conceded other things were thrown (promotional basketballs, and those flapper things).
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players



Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby Veritas » February 19th, 2013, 2:32 pm

I always liked Bradley and ISUr, and excluding geographic proximity couldn't quite figure out the dislike the Bradley fans had for the Redbirds (or vice versa)

After the past two seasons, I think I'm starting to understand. I have never seen more attempts at spinning the truth and placing blame at the innocent than what I have read regarding the WSU ISUr games. There are a lot of real classy older ISUr fans that represent their school well, and then there exists a plethora of younger fans that pour out of the Redbird woodwork to discredit their entire university, players, and fans with nonsense, hostility, and fabrication. Even the Redbird message board highlights some of these fans admitting to throwing objects or supporting the action that objects were thrown on the court and at WSU players.

What is sad about all of this is the ISU fan behavior continues to fuel the flames against a decent kid and hard player. Jackie Carmichael's actions weren't premeditated. It just happened-- in the battle of a hard fought contest. But the continued antics of ISUr fans to defend it actually makes it harder on him.

1. Jackie fouls a player with a kick to the face and/or chest. In a wierd turn of non-sequential events, both teams shoot and make 2 free throws. Watch the replay... even the fans groan when the WSU player hits the deck.
2. ISU loses the game in large part because a player lost the ball out of bounds with under 30s left leading the game by 2 points, and WSU started hitting clutch 3 pointers.
3. Fans threw debris on the court (whether coins, hats, mini-basketballs, popcorn, roll-ups, etc... doesn't matter) due to frustration over ISU losing the game
4. ISU (assistant) coach endeavors to instigate a melee at the door of the WSU visitor locker room because he felt his buddy was being disrespected in the handshake line :( Gosh. How terrible the disrespect :cry:

The younger (they've got to be young) ISUr fan base is losing a lot of respect and credibility.

As far as the two teams meeting up in the MoVal tournament.... I HOPE they DO meet up again. I think it would be a good game.

Come on Redbirds. You're better than this!
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby Redbirdfan21 » February 19th, 2013, 4:12 pm

Veritas wrote:4. ISU (assistant) coach endeavors to instigate a melee at the door of the WSU visitor locker room because he felt his buddy was being disrespected in the handshake line :( Gosh. How terrible the disrespect :cry:

I guess if you read the same thing enough times, you view it as true. No where is stated the was anywhere near the door of the visitors locker room. It was in the tunnel between the court and locker rooms. There was a confrontation in the tunnel- there was no chasing anyone down and going into the locker room (like others have posted). This doesn't seem that difficult to grasp...
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby jwa123 » February 19th, 2013, 4:13 pm

Veritas, you are correct that there are older fans and younger fans at ISU. Most likely and generally speaking the older ones are going to approach these things with a different perspective.

However, if you think youth and brash only exists at ISU, I would ask you to come back to this thread 3 months from now and read again what some of your fellow WSU posters have written and how they wrote it. Go look at the Shocker Forum which I very rarely do but when I do... you'll see what I mean. ISU doesn't have a lock on this by any means.

Like you I hope we don't meet in St Louis (unless it's the championship game) as perhaps a cooling off period is in order.
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby jwa123 » February 19th, 2013, 4:14 pm

Redbirdfan21 wrote:
Veritas wrote:4. ISU (assistant) coach endeavors to instigate a melee at the door of the WSU visitor locker room because he felt his buddy was being disrespected in the handshake line :( Gosh. How terrible the disrespect :cry:

I guess if you read the same thing enough times, you view it as true. No where is stated the was anywhere near the door of the visitors locker room. It was in the tunnel between the court and locker rooms. There was a confrontation in the tunnel- there was no chasing anyone down and going into the locker room (like others have posted). This doesn't seem that difficult to grasp...

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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby WhiskeySierraUniform » February 19th, 2013, 6:26 pm

Things I know to be true:

1) Gregg Marshall has won 103 games in the last 3 full seasons plus this year for Wichita State. For comparison, in the same time frame, Creighton has won 91 games, Bradley has won 50 games, Drake has won 56 games, Evansville has won 55 games, Illinois State has won 71 games, Indiana State has won 71 games, Missouri State has 74 wins, UNI has won 86 games, and SIU has won 47 games. Given this, I understand the hate, disdain, and utter fascination with coach Marshall.

2) Coach Marshall recruits good kids who represent the program well both on the court and in the community and there have been no academic or legal issues involving his players. He recruits toughnose kids who buy in to his system.

3) Coach Marshall rubs people the wrong way because he wears his emotions on his sleeve and is not afraid to say what he thinks rather than sugar coat and Kumbaya like most every other coach in this league. I will take this attitude and "red a s s" any day of the week!

4) This thread is petty and ridiculous and I am unequivocally more dumb for having read it.

5) I am not surprised by the hate towards WSU. Being the torch barer and the class of the league, the Shox are held to a higher standard.

6) If Gregg Marshall had to seek out the IL St. AD and get a security detail to protect the team, you can rest assured he felt there was danger from the fans and apparently from the psycho coaches on Muller's staff.

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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby usmcdog » February 19th, 2013, 7:00 pm

shocktheheart wrote:
usmcdog wrote:I read in the paper this AM that the game officials were disciplined for allowing a wrong player for WSU to shoot free-throws. If the WSU staff were aware of the error, that shows a lack of integrity and respect for the game.

On Marshall's radio show last night he believed that anyone could shoot the free throws just like a technical...obviously that is not the case and the officials either didn't catch it or believed the same thing as well.

Thanks for the explanation. If the officials were that confused, it would follow that the coach would be confused with the rule also.
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby rlh04d » February 19th, 2013, 7:35 pm

Ali wrote:It's a black eye for both programs. Whether factual or not it seems like WSU is involved in these sorts of problems more than anyone else. A previous public reprimand for your coach probably contributes.

"Whether factual or not" ? So you have no problem with propagating a myth that isn't actually based on fact? How about you, I don't know, base your opinions on the truth? Show me any incident in the past of WSU getting into a physical altercation with another team under Coach Marshall. Show me one. Or acknowledge that what "seems" to be true is not based on fact and adjust your opinion accordingly.

As for the public reprimand, that was due to Marshall complaining about officiating in a post-game press conference. It hardly has any sort of relevance to this situation. You can't draw a correlation between complaining about officiating and a physical altercation ... that's simply ignorant. That's essentially a member of the Jury going "I'm fairly sure he killed that guy because he got a speeding ticket once. So, guilty."
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby ptownbraves » February 19th, 2013, 8:03 pm

Veritas wrote:

The younger (they've got to be young) ISUr fan base is losing a lot of respect and credibility.

At least they have fans under 30! There has been a whole lot of open real estate in the BU student section the past several years (except for when they play ISUr or a Michigan). This will be a serious problem for BU in the future if they cannot create interest. Sorry for the thread bomb.
Last edited by ptownbraves on February 19th, 2013, 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wichita State classless coach and players

Postby shocktheheart » February 19th, 2013, 8:04 pm

ptownbraves wrote:
Veritas wrote:

The younger (they've got to be young) ISUr fan base is losing a lot of respect and credibility.

At least they have fans under 30! There has been a whole lot of open real estate in the BU student section the past several years (except for when they play ISUr or a Michigan). This will be a serious problem for BU in the future if they cannot create interest.

WSU has the same problem I believe. With the last three or four years that has to help WSU though
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