Which of these team would you be okay with joining the MVC?

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Which of these team would you be okay with joining the MVC?

UT - Arlington
Murray State
Total votes : 134

Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby Action10 » December 19th, 2021, 10:05 am

TBS_20 wrote:Lets be honest. The MVFC is more successful and marketable than the MVC. The football schools that have higher aspirations (NDSU, SDSU, ILST, MSU) should go to Conference USA and if they cant afford it then breakaway.

Marketable? The MVC has sent teams to 2 Final Fours THIS DECADE in the NCAA Division 1 Basketball Championship.
Until a team from the MVFC makes the College Football Playoff (with Alabama, Michigan, and Georgia), that doesn't hold water.
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M



Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby TBS_20 » December 19th, 2021, 10:49 am

1. both teams left or are leaving and 2. football is easily the bigger sport. cherry picking
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby MissouriValleyUnite » December 19th, 2021, 11:05 am

TBS_20 wrote:football is easily the bigger sport. cherry picking

Nope. FBS football is the bigger sport.

Tell us how the MVFC is more marketable than the MVC when the market determined one to have two linear tv packages with its final on CBS (7th highest rated nationally) and the other to streaming.

Better yet, let’s check what the market dictated for media rights in each league’s IRS forms:

Missouri Valley Conference - $2,367,000
Missouri Valley Football Conference - $70,000

We could throw in NDSU’s $497,990, but given the 2nd highest MVFC member is $15,756, that caps out the cumulative total under $660k.

2020 article:
NDSU also drew significantly more money than anyone else in the 10-team league from media rights ($497,999)

South Dakota State, which raised more than $5 million in revenue in fiscal year 2019, the second-most in the league, drew $15,756 from media

And if you want to add the Summit League’s $336,920 — you’re still under $1 million when combining MVFC media rights + Summit League media rights + individual MVFC media rights.
Last edited by MissouriValleyUnite on December 19th, 2021, 11:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby Action10 » December 19th, 2021, 11:19 am

TBS_20 wrote:1. both teams left or are leaving and 2. football is easily the bigger sport. cherry picking

When was the last time ANY non-playoff MVFC game was on national tv?
When was the last time a non-playoff MVC basketball game was on national tv?
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby TBS_20 » December 19th, 2021, 11:21 am

The minute they break away they win financially
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby MissouriValleyUnite » December 19th, 2021, 11:30 am

TBS_20 wrote:The minute they break away they win financially

We’ll keep repeating this until you stop posting nonsense.

IRS Form 990 media rights revenue:
Missouri Valley Conference - $2,367,000

Summit League - $336,920
Missouri Valley Football Conference - $70,000
NDSU FB - $497,999
SDSU FB - $15,756
Other MVFC - <$15,756
Total - <$1 million

^And 50% of it is NDSU FB, which why would they share it? So that leaves <$500k.

This doesn’t account for expenses, NCAAT revenue, losing a high revenue home game every 2nd year (Drake/UNI, ISU/Bradley) or the demographics of pulling your schools out of locations you recruit tuition-paying students or engage alumni for donations.

So pray tell, where is this financial win?
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby TBS_20 » December 19th, 2021, 11:59 am

i dont care what you say a breakaway league of football will 100% be more profitable and everyone knows it.

you have the team that wins almost every year. a final four team. another team that was runner up not too long ago. another team coached by petrino. that will be more successful then watching evansville vs bradley on a wednesday night with 3800 fans. but, hey, trick yourself into whatever you want to believe. football has more to market. the mvc final four teams will be all gone after this year. the best game in the mvc will be from two new members. murray vs belmont.
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby Action10 » December 19th, 2021, 12:44 pm

TBS_20 wrote:i dont care what you say a breakaway league of football will 100% be more profitable and everyone knows it.

you have the team that wins almost every year. a final four team. another team that was runner up not too long ago. another team coached by petrino. that will be more successful then watching evansville vs bradley on a wednesday night with 3800 fans. but, hey, trick yourself into whatever you want to believe. football has more to market. the mvc final four teams will be all gone after this year. the best game in the mvc will be from two new members. murray vs belmont.

Are you planning on the football playing members of the MVC being part of the split and going with the Dakota schools?
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby MissouriValleyUnite » December 19th, 2021, 1:09 pm

TBS_20 wrote:i dont care what you say a breakaway league of football will 100% be more profitable and everyone knows it.

Missouri Valley Conference - $2,367,000
Summit League - $336,920
MVFC - $70,000

MVC - 2 linear national tv deals + 7th highest rated conference final on CBS
MVFC - espn+

You don't know a damn thing about the business of college sports. Let alone declaring "everyone knows it" in the face of all evidence. Good grief.
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Re: Which of these team would you be okay with joining the M

Postby ST_Lawson » December 19th, 2021, 1:38 pm

Action10 wrote:Well said... I'm not sure how the voting went when the MVFC turned down Murray State, but was the North Dakota vote the deciding factor? If so, I hate that.
I know the MVC and the MVFC are two separate entities, but this is trending more and more like the Big East right before they split. I don't think it is quite to that point yet, but we are getting closer.

I don't know how voting went down for Murray State to the MVFC...or even if that voting has taken place (is that why the MVC hasn't extended any formal invitation to them yet?). I would think if anyone wouldn't want Murray State in the MVFC, it'd be the western teams who would have to play NDSU and SDSU every year...although that would be UNI and MSU, and idk how that decision gels with allowing/inviting Murray St. to the MVC.

As for a Private/Public split, idk that that's likely to happen any time soon, mostly because there's not really a good place for the private schools to go. Bradley, Belmont, Drake, Evansville, and Valpo...that's not enough for a conference on their own without bringing in more schools (Bellarmine?...Lipscomb?). Would the A10 look into adding a couple of the more successful ones? Do the rest go (back, in some cases) to the Horizon League? Not really many good options for them beyond where they're at currently.

The public schools have options in terms of who to tie themselves to...Dakota schools...Murray State, Northern Kentucky, UIC, just about everyone mentioned for future MVC expansion at this point, but if something needs to be voted on for that to happen, a 5-5 split of public/private schools seems like it's unlikely to vote for splitting up the conference. Then again, I only have a vague idea of the MVC internal politics that go on, so maybe I'm way off base.
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