by MoValley John » May 11th, 2011, 11:54 am
Indiana State got no bump from their basketball success, simply a 3rd place finish. That hardly defines their season. But regarding the All Sports Trophy, all they get for their men's basketball season is a 3. I don't follow any other sports, but I'm sure it happens all the time where a team just can't quite get over the hump, yet wins the Valley tourney and may even advance a round or two in the NCAA's. For them, they get a 3. Whoop do!!!! Sports like Track and Field and Cross Country also skew figures. This is a dumb award, yet I understand why the school that wins it, flaunts it.
In reality, the All Sports Trophy is a big Apples and Oranges award. People that like to argue apples and oranges LOVE the All Sports Trophy.
That is all I have, enjoy the debate.