How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby jlandrus11 » June 8th, 2011, 10:53 am

I'm pretty sure that Hulman Center has an A/C but it won't be turned on in the middle of winter.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?



Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby dgreenwell3 » June 8th, 2011, 12:17 pm

Jays26 wrote:You're joking right???? You have an arena that has no A/C. Wow!

Could be me but I have never been hot in Hulman center, in fact I have had to keep my sweatshirt on a few times. It does have an A/C but I am sure this winter when we had the Ice storm that turning on the A/C wasn't numero uno on their priority list.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby TheShock » June 8th, 2011, 3:38 pm

dgreenwell3 wrote:
Jays26 wrote:You're joking right???? You have an arena that has no A/C. Wow!

Could be me but I have never been hot in Hulman center, in fact I have had to keep my sweatshirt on a few times. It does have an A/C but I am sure this winter when we had the Ice storm that turning on the A/C wasn't numero uno on their priority list.

Here's another novel idea... open a friggin' window. :D

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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby jlandrus11 » June 8th, 2011, 8:24 pm

Hulman Center's windows don't open unless you bust one out.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby uniftw » June 8th, 2011, 11:04 pm

jlandrus11 wrote:I'm pretty sure that Hulman Center has an A/C but it won't be turned on in the middle of winter.

Pretty stupid reasoning's hot as hell INSIDE, we should turn the AC on. Wait, you mean it's January OUTSIDE? F that, we won't turn it on then.

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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » June 9th, 2011, 9:06 pm

1. JQH: Brand new, state of the art. Loud for big games. Wide concourse. Good food selections and not a bad view in the house. Also Rick Jester did a good job of getting the crowd amped up too. Best pep band in the Valley in my personal opinion.

2. Redbird Arena: Great atmosphere for women's basketball. Huge crowd. And very knowledgeable fans too. Easy to get in and out. Seems like a big time environment, I like it better than U of I's stadium.

3. SIU Arena: Went to a men's game there 5 years ago or so. Really energetic crowd, very tough to play. Kind of a simple set up and I'm not crazy about Carbondale, but I thought it was kind of a hidden jewel in the league.

4. Qwest: Very fancy but seemed kind of corporate atmosphere. NCAA worthy and something to be proud of for Omaha, but that new arena in Lincoln will probably blow it out of the water.

5. Roberts Arena: I think pretty underrated in its day. Still like it. Something about basketball in Indiana just makes it seem special.

6. Maccloud: Never been there I will confess. Looks loud and cool on tv even for sports like volleyball. But again I've never ventured to that area so it might be awful for all I know.

7. Knapp: Very knowledgeable women's fans. Good atmosphere even if smallish. Nice event staff if I recall correctly.

8. Hulman Arena: Solid place. Fits the fanbase well. Not Assembly Hall, but has ample seating. Kind of hard to find for an out of towner.

9. Koch: Been by it but never for a game, men's, women's or volleyball. Sounds loud with kind of a rough looking crowd most of the time. Awful camera angles on tv, but not sure if it is like that in person. Crowd is as intimidating and profane as anywhere in college basketball from what I understand which is both good and bad. I saw them berating Bethany College catcher in a baseball game which is like a D3 team so I kind of chuckled.

10. Robertson Memorial Fieldhouse (Breadley): Ancient building, no fans at a women's game. A little disappointing.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby Pinkie » June 9th, 2011, 9:20 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:4. Qwest: Very fancy but seemed kind of corporate atmosphere. NCAA worthy and something to be proud of for Omaha, but that new arena in Lincoln will probably blow it out of the water.

I haven't been to enough to rank them all, but I can tell you that not even the people in Lincoln think their new arena will be even close to Qwest.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » June 9th, 2011, 9:27 pm

Pinkie wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:4. Qwest: Very fancy but seemed kind of corporate atmosphere. NCAA worthy and something to be proud of for Omaha, but that new arena in Lincoln will probably blow it out of the water.

I haven't been to enough to rank them all, but I can tell you that not even the people in Lincoln think their new arena will be even close to Qwest.

Interesting. I had only saw the renderings and read a couple of Nebraska boards during the NIT. The husker fans seemed to talk big about it, but I would defer to the people with more expert knowledge. Just went ot Qwest once anyhow.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby Realhoops » June 10th, 2011, 8:21 am

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
4. Qwest: Very fancy but seemed kind of corporate atmosphere. NCAA worthy and something to be proud of for Omaha, but that new arena in Lincoln will probably blow it out of the water.

That's one of the funniest things I've read in quite a while!

Don't let yourself get fooled by the delusions of grandeur that typical Husker fans have on their message boards . . .
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby sycamorestateofmind » June 24th, 2011, 1:53 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
8. Hulman Arena: Solid place. Fits the fanbase well. Not Assembly Hall, but has ample seating. Kind of hard to find for an out of towner.

ROFL! Leave it to an out of towner to have trouble finding the Hulman Center located in the heart of what is refereed to as "The Cross Roads of America"... Not sure how yu get marked down on arena when you are directionally challenged in a moment in our nations history when having a road map in the glove box is a foreign concept - it's called GPS dude, or something like that...

For the record Assembly Hall is a freaking joke - horrible seating, horrible lighting and horrible university. Talk about a delusional fan base in Indiana located outside of Terre Haute, Indiana. Drive about 45 min. south east and find the most delusional fan base in college basketball, they still think Hoosier basketball is relevant.

Anyway - the HC is a nice place to watch a basketball game. Knock us down on the food (it sucks) and the prices for food are nothing great. But it's really a comfortable place to watch a game, especially when your on the road - the fans in Terre Haute are famous for being astonishingly silent and or not showing up at all... lol
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