Khan4Cats wrote:Since it's not an Indiana State or Missouri State thread where boundless optimism is discouraged, what concerns are there from WSU's standpoint following their exhibitions or is it just smooth sailing until they lift the trophy?
I'm concerned about PR. Last season, so much focus and effort was put into preparation for the UCONN game that when they lost, I believe it caused the team to lose focus for most of the year. Same thing happened after the SIU debacle. WSU didn't play a decent game until Nebraska. They had a lot better material than the rest of the Valley, no offense MSU, but just didn't come close to their ceiling. The Bears fought for it and deserved it.
Others might disagree based on a 9-2 preseason record, but the team never really gelled until, unfortunately, the NIT.
This team, in the previous 2 seasons, put an awful lot of pressure on themselves to succeed at a very high level. Pressure that starts at the top and applied with, shall we say, zeal. Has it been applied to harshly? Probably not for me to say.
IF the team is healthy, they'll win a fair share of games. IF Orupke can provide quality minutes (say 10-15), they have a chance to be extremely good. I think they'll play a 9 man rotation, with Smith, Orupke, Williams and Cotton getting most of the minutes off the bench.
This year's team won't be as good a rebounding team as last year, and they won't be as good a defensive team, but I think they will be a better pressing team.
And if I may pump a little sunshine, from what I have seen to date, this team is vastly different in one area that reminds me, just a little bit, of the Drake championship team a few years ago. They pass and share the ball unlike any WSU team I can remember. If they can improve from where they are now, they could be very, very good. Lastly, I love the attitude of the new players, especially Hall, Cotton and Wessel. They have a confidence I haven't seen in some time. Perhaps that confidence will prove detrimental, but I like the way they are handling themselves so far.