Wufan wrote:I don't even know what to say about pot and kettle above…
BEARZ77 wrote:The thing I find myself wondering about , is why we didn't see all this posturing from the fan bases of SIU, ISUr, UNI or even until recently Creighton when those teams had their run at the top of the league in the 90's and early 2000's.
glm38 wrote:Wufan wrote:I don't even know what to say about pot and kettle above…
Oh come on wufan. Some of us have seen the posts on shockernet where cold and others have urged more shox fans to post here more often so that this board can be "educated". There have even been posts where you and other moderate/reasonable shox posters are called out for being too reasonable. Other fanbases may have one or 2 of that type but not anywhere close to the number from WSU.
The sad thing is it's unnecessary. Most Valley fans recognize that WSU has one of the 2 best basketball programs in our conference. Trash talking is one thing but the type of constant berating and belittling that is done by a number of Shox fans is ridiculous.
DoubleJayAlum wrote:For some reason that I have been unable to explain, WSU fans on this board are the most insecure of all of the fanbases. Earlier this year, they were here boasting about beating Western Carolina. Western Carolina! My comment then was, "If you are a top program, shouldn't you expect to beat Western Carolina? Why the need to brag about it so much? It was Western Carolina, not North Carolina."
I've tried for years to understand this phenomenon, but have yet to come up with an explanation. Perhaps being a commuter school in shadow of two other schools that get more recognition for basketball is the reason? Maybe it has to do with the absolute depths the program suffered for an entire decade? Maybe the voluminous history of NCAA sanctions has left them a bit paranoid? I don't know, but feel it would make for a nice psychological study.
glm38 wrote:Wufan wrote:I don't even know what to say about pot and kettle above…
Oh come on wufan. Some of us have seen the posts on shockernet where cold and others have urged more shox fans to post here more often so that this board can be "educated". There have even been posts where you and other moderate/reasonable shox posters are called out for being too reasonable. Other fanbases may have one or 2 of that type but not anywhere close to the number from WSU.
The sad thing is it's unnecessary. Most Valley fans recognize that WSU has one of the 2 best basketball programs in our conference. Trash talking is one thing but the type of constant berating and belittling that is done by a number of Shox fans is ridiculous.
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