It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby shoxrox » September 23rd, 2013, 10:24 pm

Redbird Recon wrote:
shoxrox wrote:The sad thing is that most, if not all of it, is accurate.

Do you agree with the suggestion?

A lower conference would make winning a bit easier for Illinois State, who obviously has struggled with this conference for quite a while now. Go to Division II like PantherSigEp inquired? Absolutely not. Now obviously a move to a lower conference is never going to happen, but it makes you wonder.

Unfortunately, it's not just cyber fans that are ruining it. Hoopsfan posted an obvious first-hand account of Illinois State fans. I've also read a lot of other first-hand accounts on a lot of other message boards. I don't know what it is, but it's out there. I think WSU fans never had much interaction with Redbird fans, mostly because attendance numbers and traveling numbers are low with the Redbirds. Lately, I think a lot of eyes have been opened and now people are seeing a lot of new revelations. It sucks because I used to like and respect Redbird fans as a whole. Now, they're pretty much at the bottom of my totem pole, kinda where the basketball program has been meandering.

No disrespect towards you Recon, as you are about one of the last and most respected Redbird fans I have come across.
Last edited by shoxrox on September 23rd, 2013, 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU



Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby Redbird Recon » September 23rd, 2013, 10:25 pm

PantherSigEp wrote:I'd be interested in knowing if their are any schools in the nation with 20,000+ Students that are lower than D-I for athletics. I'd be very surprised. It would essentially be suicide for enrollment unless a university has something else it truly hangs its hat on and uses to attract thousands and thousands of students each year.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby rlh04d » September 23rd, 2013, 10:37 pm

Redbird Recon wrote:A couple idiots are ruining the cyber-image of a once well respected fan base. I remember a VT poll not that many years ago that voted ISUred the most likable fan base in the Valley. Most of those former poster are still die-hard season ticket holders. FWIW RedbirdFan is seeing much of the same.

I don't think it was cyber-idiots throwing things at WSU players last season.

I know it's easy for a a few idiots to ruin the reputation of thousands of fans, but there's some guys in the stands trying to ruin your image as well.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby BTbird » September 24th, 2013, 9:25 am

Yeah, it's only ISU fans.

I've also seen Shocker fans at some of our road games who made us look bad. Just like the opposing fans, our troublesome fans are in the minority, but they are certainly there. There were a group of Shocker fans who left me totally embarrassed on my 1st trip to Springfield some years back. I had to deal with some MSU fans who were pretty upset with us because of the few drunk Shocker fans who made us all look bad.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby glm38 » September 24th, 2013, 4:31 pm

If there were a way to calculate it I would bet the % of wackos is roughly the same for all 10 of our team's fanbases. Unfortunately there is no way to do that.

A number of years ago a WSU fan at a game in Spfld told my then 12 yr old son to fu#@ off for no reason. There have been other incidents too at Hammons and now JQH with Shox fans and other valley school fanbases. But overall I've found most fans (including WSU) to be respectful. WSU fans are some of the most passionate I have ever interacted with and you have to respect that. But I don't see ISUr as any better or worse overall than the rest.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby shoxrox » September 24th, 2013, 5:42 pm

BTbird wrote:Yeah, it's only ISU fans.

I've also seen Shocker fans at some of our road games who made us look bad. Just like the opposing fans, our troublesome fans are in the minority, but they are certainly there. There were a group of Shocker fans who left me totally embarrassed on my 1st trip to Springfield some years back. I had to deal with some MSU fans who were pretty upset with us because of the few drunk Shocker fans who made us all look bad.

Man, impressive digging.

First of all, it was the Final Four.
Secondly, what is a gamedayr?
Next, were Shocker fans throwing objects in Springfield?
Lastly, it was the Final Four.

The worst thing about it is Illinois State can't back up any of their antics. They're weirdly arrogant for no reason better than avoiding Thursday night. Can you imagine how bad things would be if Illinois State actually won in basketball?
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby Redbird Recon » September 24th, 2013, 9:20 pm

shoxrox wrote:The worst thing about it is Illinois State can't back up any of their antics. They're weirdly arrogant for no reason better than avoiding Thursday night. Can you imagine how bad things would be if Illinois State actually won in basketball?

Again, you're using a blanket statement to label a fan base. "They're weirdly arrogant." Who? Me? The entire fan base? Or the few you've gotten in to typing matches with?

Keep rolling, baller. Slowly but surely VT will rise again. You're nothing more than an internet bully who drives away good poster with your constant name calling and degradation of other fan bases.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby shoxrox » September 24th, 2013, 9:29 pm

Redbird Recon wrote:
shoxrox wrote:The worst thing about it is Illinois State can't back up any of their antics. They're weirdly arrogant for no reason better than avoiding Thursday night. Can you imagine how bad things would be if Illinois State actually won in basketball?

Again, you're using a blanket statement to label a fan base. "They're weirdly arrogant." Who? Me? The entire fan base? Or the few you've gotten in to typing matches with?

Keep rolling, baller. Slowly but surely VT will rise again. You're nothing more than an internet bully who drives away good poster with your constant name calling and degradation of other fan bases.

I thought I made myself clear earlier in the thread. I said the majority of Illinois State fans I've encountered. I specifically excluded you.

In general, from what I've seen in person, heard from others with first-hand accounts, the internet message boards, I have come to the conclusion that there seems to be more negative reactions (lately) with Illinois State Redbird fans than positive ones.

I apologize if I dragged you into this. I get what you're saying but for every good Redbird poster there is, there's 8 grammar-struggling, intellectually-challenged fans that seem to fly out of nowhere. Maybe it's just the majority of Illinois State's internet fans are bad apples and talk the most.

I apologize for the name-calling. It's not directed at anyone specifically at the moment, but was just a generalization. Chill.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby BTbird » September 24th, 2013, 9:51 pm

shoxrox wrote:
BTbird wrote:Yeah, it's only ISU fans.

I've also seen Shocker fans at some of our road games who made us look bad. Just like the opposing fans, our troublesome fans are in the minority, but they are certainly there. There were a group of Shocker fans who left me totally embarrassed on my 1st trip to Springfield some years back. I had to deal with some MSU fans who were pretty upset with us because of the few drunk Shocker fans who made us all look bad.

Man, impressive digging.

It took me all of 30 seconds to find. 1st and 4th link.
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Re: It Seems That Everything Happening Involves IlSU

Postby rlh04d » September 24th, 2013, 10:11 pm

glm38 wrote:If there were a way to calculate it I would bet the % of wackos is roughly the same for all 10 of our team's fanbases. Unfortunately there is no way to do that.

Definitely agreed.

The only part that makes me more negative to IlSU than other schools at the moment are the accounts of IlSU fans throwing objects at WSU players last season.

Beyond that, who you argue with on here, or who you have a bad interaction with in person, is just a roll of the dice. Meet a great fan from another team or a terrible fan and your opinion of thousands of people will be largely based on that one person.
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