by jayball » December 8th, 2010, 10:39 am
Here is a quick view of the most prominent frosh on each team, I included redshirts also.
Bradley has 2 frosh getting 17 mpg Lemon Jr. 2.8 rpg, 8.6ppg and Prosser 4.9rpg, 3.0ppg
CU McDermott 30.8 mpg, 4.9rpg, 14.5 ppg
Drake Rice 28 mpg, 4.3 rpg, 12.3 ppg
ISU Red Ekey 18 mpg, 3 rpg, 3.4 ppg
ISU Blue Odum 26 mpg, 2.7 rpg, 6.6 ppg
MSU Scheer 19.8 mpg 2.4 rpg, 5 ppg
SIU has all jucos right?
UE Jahr 10 mpg, 2 rpg, 4 ppg
UNI Rank 13 mpg, 3.8 rpg, 3.3ppg (Do you guys really have 8 frosh on the team?)
WSU Hamilton 3.5 mpg, .5 rpg, 2.0 ppg
As of now (which is really early) McD, Rice, and Lemon Jr have been most productive and it sounds like Scheer is improving quickly . Any other impressions of these guys from their team's fans?