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Postby Cdizzle » December 16th, 2019, 4:19 pm

BCPanther wrote:
VUGrad1314 wrote:
BCPanther wrote:
Weird, its like basing the whole Murray State decision off of one generational talent was a bad idea. Wouldn't have guessed it...

They may not have helped this year but the past two years (and several other years in the past) they certainly would have. I am still fully in favor of their addition to the MVC because of their ability to win in march the problem is we need a school (preferably a private) within a tight footprint that moves the needle in a similar fashion to make it happen which isn't exactly a long list of options. You're allowed to have a down year or two or has it only taken you 12 games to forget how mediocre UNI has been the past few years? We believed in them because of their history Murray State should receive the same courtesy and treatment.They still would have proven to be a better game than GCU and Marshall who UNI has closed out the non conference schedule with.

Wasn't unexpected the last couple years for UNI. Jake has a cycle. It is what it is. The two teams before the Tuttle team were pretty bad too. The difference is that we don't buy CIT bids to pad win totals anymore to make it look better than it actually was.

I'm salty about that Marshall series. Scheduled off of them getting into the tournament and winning a game and they've fallen apart. We also have to go there next year. GCU is going to turn out to be an good win. They've got 3 transfers that will be eligible at Christmas. They'll still win a bunch of game in the WAC.

Is cool with UNI's cycle. Is not cool with Murray State's cycle.

Murray State (yr/kenPom)
2004 - 61
2006 - 89
2010 - 53
2012 - 35
2015 - 57
2018 - 62
2019 - 51

It's worth noting that this was through 4 different coaches and in a league that for the majority of the time was significantly weaker than the MVC. I'm not advocating for Murray State to move to the MVC, but your arguments are at odds with each other.
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Postby BCPanther » December 16th, 2019, 4:35 pm

Meh, its not even Murray for me. Its anybody. I'm a ten team league guy.

As the P6 tilts the landscape more and more that way and only truly special mids are going to sniff an at large, why on earth would you want to split the money with two more mouths or make it harder on yourself to win the league tournament. Last year was an aberration. Most years our champ is going to be an 11-13 no matter what we do.
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Postby Cdizzle » December 16th, 2019, 10:40 pm

I'm definitely with you on the 10-team league thing.
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Postby Mikovio » December 17th, 2019, 10:34 am

I'm on the fence about adding Murray State.

-Decent attendance, travels well, will help fill up the Scottrade in March.
-Usually a top 100 program, which even if they don't increase our # of bids will provide opportunities for good wins and better seeds for whoever represents the MVC in the NCAA.

-One more mouth to feed which leads to smaller checks unless they help NCAA bids/performance
-Adding them alone will cause scheduling/travel issues across all sports and there is no clear #12 as the top targets either declined (Belmont) are too far (New Mex State) are new to DI (NKU) or can't prove their viability on the court (Milwaukee, UIC)

Also, apparently the MVC is #10 in the NET and ahead of the MWC. OVC is #26 and Horizon is #22, yikes.
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Postby Kyle@MOState » December 18th, 2019, 11:21 am

Mikovio wrote:
Also, apparently the MVC is #10 in the NET and ahead of the MWC. OVC is #26 and Horizon is #22, yikes.

Not the days of being ranked ahead of power conferences, but at least we are in the top 3rd of basketball leagues. Kind of where we should be. It is kind of sad that Valley teams are getting bought to go to A10 schools. Mountain West and A10 should be the bread and butter of home and home opportunities, but Missouri State getting paid 90k to go to VCU kind of spells out on how the conferences are perceived on a National basis. (I know VCU is more of a brand name than most A10 schools, but you get the point.)
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Postby Rambler63 » December 18th, 2019, 6:39 pm

Kyle@MOState wrote:
Mikovio wrote:
Also, apparently the MVC is #10 in the NET and ahead of the MWC. OVC is #26 and Horizon is #22, yikes.

Not the days of being ranked ahead of power conferences, but at least we are in the top 3rd of basketball leagues. Kind of where we should be. It is kind of sad that Valley teams are getting bought to go to A10 schools. Mountain West and A10 should be the bread and butter of home and home opportunities, but Missouri State getting paid 90k to go to VCU kind of spells out on how the conferences are perceived on a National basis. (I know VCU is more of a brand name than most A10 schools, but you get the point.)

It's pretty simple. Most A-10 teams have men's basketball budgets more than twice the average MVC school. The bottom 4 or 5 MVC teams have budgets on par with the OVC and would still be low to the middle of the Horizon.
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Postby valleychamp » December 19th, 2019, 8:50 am

I absolutely love the 10 team league, but I am of the opinion that it is time to go to 12 teams and play 20 league games. Its too hard for Mids to get non conference games scheduled, especially at home, and this guarantees 2 more decent games.

It sucks, but thats where we are.
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Postby sivert » December 19th, 2019, 2:05 pm

valleychamp wrote:I absolutely love the 10 team league, but I am of the opinion that it is time to go to 12 teams and play 20 league games. Its too hard for Mids to get non conference games scheduled, especially at home, and this guarantees 2 more decent games.

It sucks, but thats where we are.

What I think we should do is move the season up a bit so there's time for 2 games afterwards (more if we can get it) at the end of the season. The MWC would do the same. Then MWC#1 and #2 play MVC#1 and #2. Same for 3&4, etc. One home, one away for each team.
Then the top two teams would get another couple Q1 or 2 games.

(difficulty is that MWC has 11 teams)
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Postby Adunk33 » December 23rd, 2019, 10:53 am

Games through 12/22

91- Indiana State
130- Bradley
137- Valpo
146- Missouri State
147- Loyola
154- Drake
205- Illinois State
218- Evansville
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Postby TreeFan » January 3rd, 2020, 10:03 am

Through Games Jan. 02 2020

53 UNI
87 Indiana St.
108 Bradley
130 Missouri St.
144 Loyola
151 Valparaiso
154 Drake
177 Illinois St.
212 Evansville
258 Southern Ill.
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