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RE: MO State to CUSA in 2012-13 rumor
Oh, BTW, everyone forgets how expansion works, first the Pres. of each member school votes on expansion, if that passes they vote by how many, then what school to target. After reviewing the schools then the invites. Seeing as we haven't voted to expand or how many to expand by or which to look at. The Rumor to invite Mo ST is thin at best at this point. C-USA has talk about expansion and teaming up with the MWC to get a AQ bid between us. But, but, nothing has gone beyond that as of yet. The problem is C-USA is not even at step one yet and invites are the last step.
Mo ST has good facilities, fb needs work. Bb and baseball are fine. The biggest issue is funding the move to FBS. It's not just the schollies for fb but matching them for womens sports to stay inside Title IX. Nova a national brand name school that has won national titles in bb and already in the BE in every sport, but fb needs help to stay in Title IX if they would move up. I'm not sure that Mo ST could do it, your endowment is so low. ECU's maybe list at just over 100 million, but we are almost done with our second century fund raising that will add 200 million to the overall endowment to move it to over 300 million total. Funds raised so far are just north of 190 million( less than 10 million to go).
Anyway, best luck.
MoValley John wrote:Casey, with all due respect, everyone saw Cuonzo bolting at his first opportunity. I didn't see him getting an offer after he failed to win the MVC tourney and was an early exit in the NIT. That said, very few people outside of Springfield were surprised that he took the first plane out of town. A guy on your message board correctly guessing Tennessee when the Tennessee job was open, isn't that "inside" info and it isn't the stuff that reaches the level of Carnac the Magnificent.
uniftw wrote:Did FSU say no?
I've heard Mizzou and Clemson denied the rumors...not FSU though
Florida State University President Eric Barron said Saturday that he doesn't know how to make it any clearer: There have been no — as in zero — conversations between university officials with anyone about joining the Southeastern Conference.
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