MSU to Conference USA?

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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » September 4th, 2011, 3:58 pm

valleychamp wrote:The cold hard facts about Missouri State's pathetic football program, and athletic budget issues.

Pathetic? Not by a longshot. And you go way into the past and drag up a hatchet piece from a newspaper that has always been against us. Everyone is experiencing a budget crisis. Your school is in much, much worse shape. Clearly everyone spoken to in that piece was very pro football as much as I'm sure the reporter was trying to bait them. We'll be fine.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?



Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby valleychamp » September 4th, 2011, 4:01 pm

August 27, 2011= "way into the past"???
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby valleychamp » September 4th, 2011, 4:21 pm

Also, please explain to me how UNI is in "much, much worse" shape than MSU?

If I'm not mistaken, UNI has an athletic budget at over 12 million, with approx 4 million coming from the general fund. Meanwhile, according to the article, MSU's budget is 11.6 million, with 5.1 million coming from the general fund.

How exactly is MSU in better shape?
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby glm38 » September 4th, 2011, 4:39 pm

valleychamp wrote:The cold hard facts about Missouri State's pathetic football program, and athletic budget issues.

I think pathetic is a pretty harsh word. Certainly there are some issues but they certainly don't seem insurmountable. And I don't know much about the finances of other MVC schools but I'll bet they all are experiencing some challenges.

Overall I sometimes wonder about the long term viability of football at schools like MSU and other non BSC schools in general. Our football program just doesn't seem to be going anywhere despite some pretty good efforts on the part of our athletic dept. And a football program is just so expensive to run. That's a very tough decision to drop football though. If the economy worsens though I'm sure football will really be looked at hard by MSU and a lot of other schools.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby valleychamp » September 4th, 2011, 5:08 pm

glm38 wrote:
valleychamp wrote:The cold hard facts about Missouri State's pathetic football program, and athletic budget issues.

I think pathetic is a pretty harsh word. Certainly there are some issues but they certainly don't seem insurmountable. And I don't know much about the finances of other MVC schools but I'll bet they all are experiencing some challenges.

I don't dispute that. That certainly is the case.

I just am personally tired of the ignorance displayed by some posters such as grillz and casey. The claims that MSU is continually desired by bigger conferences, and that they are in much better shape than the rest of the schools in this conference are unfounded and often simply untrue.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby panther-state » September 4th, 2011, 5:37 pm

glm38 wrote:
valleychamp wrote:The cold hard facts about Missouri State's pathetic football program, and athletic budget issues.

I think pathetic is a pretty harsh word. Certainly there are some issues but they certainly don't seem insurmountable. And I don't know much about the finances of other MVC schools but I'll bet they all are experiencing some challenges.

Overall I sometimes wonder about the long term viability of football at schools like MSU and other non BSC schools in general. Our football program just doesn't seem to be going anywhere despite some pretty good efforts on the part of our athletic dept. And a football program is just so expensive to run. That's a very tough decision to drop football though. If the economy worsens though I'm sure football will really be looked at hard by MSU and a lot of other schools.

The point isn't about MSU being in a dire financial situation and that no other MVC is in one either. The point is that MSU isn't in a financial situation, currently, that makes a jump to a BCS or FBS conference feasible. That doesn't mean they couldn't be, but right now, they just couldn't make it happen
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby pafan » September 4th, 2011, 6:10 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
valleychamp wrote:The cold hard facts about Missouri State's pathetic football program, and athletic budget issues.

Pathetic? Not by a longshot. And you go way into the past and drag up a hatchet piece from a newspaper that has always been against us. Everyone is experiencing a budget crisis. Your school is in much, much worse shape. Clearly everyone spoken to in that piece was very pro football as much as I'm sure the reporter was trying to bait them. We'll be fine.

A "hatchet piece"? What's so objectionable? The very idea that MSU might think about dropping football?

So the reporter probably feels that any department that loses money at MSU should get a haircut. I'm sure there are plenty of folks in Springfield who agree - just like there are folks who folks in Evansville who want to send the Aces to the GLIAC.

Just because some fraction of the people have an opinion doesn't mean those people will get their way.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby MoValley John » September 4th, 2011, 7:16 pm

I didn't see anything in the story that would stick out as a hatchet piece. In fact, regardless of the challenges outlined in the article, my opinion was the article was for maintaining the program and understanding that football has value beyond what can be seen on the balance sheet.

At the same time, there were some things that I thought were really concerning. Did a bank of stadium lights really just fall over? Is your stadium really in that bad of shape that a tower of lights could suddenly just collapse?
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby glm38 » September 4th, 2011, 7:47 pm

panther-state wrote:
The point isn't about MSU being in a dire financial situation and that no other MVC is in one either. The point is that MSU isn't in a financial situation, currently, that makes a jump to a BCS or FBS conference feasible. That doesn't mean they couldn't be, but right now, they just couldn't make it happen

I agree. It probably just can't happen in this financial climate.
Last edited by glm38 on September 5th, 2011, 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby Khan4Cats » September 4th, 2011, 8:24 pm

MoValley John wrote:At the same time, there were some things that I thought were really concerning. Did a bank of stadium lights really just fall over? Is your stadium really in that bad of shape that a tower of lights could suddenly just collapse?

Yes, it is in that bad a shape. At least it was 3-4 years ago, the last time I was there. Where is sugar-daddy John Q in all this?
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