How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » June 24th, 2011, 2:41 pm

Well I found Hulman hard to find. I liked the campus but found downtown at least back in the early 2000s to be really bland, but winter in Indiana probably makes things that way.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?



Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby bleach » June 24th, 2011, 4:41 pm

Hulman is a nice arena! Great sightlines and easy to get a good seat in (sparsely attended). I had no trouble finding it (without GPS). Not in the top 4 but nice.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby Sycamore_DevilDog » June 25th, 2011, 6:34 am ... all-finals

The Indiana High School Athletic Association announced Thursday that the tournament finals will be moved to Terre Haute
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby pafan » June 25th, 2011, 1:06 pm

The whole ISU campus is hard to find. From St. Louis:
I-70 East to US-41.
North on US-41 (Third Street)
East on US-40 (Ohio Street)

And if you aren't familiar with the area, you'll end up at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology about 20 minutes later. Neither the Hulman Center nor the ISU campus are visible from the highway, and the last time I was through that way, it was easy to miss the signs.

Compare to Roberts Stadium: Easy access from Indiana-66. The downtown arena is easily visible from Indiana-62, although getting to it is an adventure for someone not familiar with Evansville to figure out which exit to take and where to park.

Compare to Assembly Hall (Indiana): Easy access from Indiana-46.

Compare to Mackey Arena (Purdue): Easy access from US-231.

Compare to Redbird Arena: Despite US-51 having been bypassed through Normal, the arena is less than a mile from I-74/55. I distinctly remember the water tower with the Redbird logo at the proper exit to use.

Compare to SIU Arena: If you can find Carbondale, finding SIU and SIU arena is easy.

For me, the most difficult arenas to find are ISU-Blue and Drake.
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Re: How do YOU rank the MVC arenas?

Postby jlandrus11 » June 26th, 2011, 12:32 pm

The campus is right off of highway 41 north on the right side. You can see the dorms towering high in the sky. Hulman Center is not that hard to find.
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