panther-state wrote:MoValley John wrote:Think what you want, but UNI is not the dominant name in Iowa higher education.
Really as an education major and someone who is highly involved in the university and reach-out programs to the other state schools, that is news to me. UNI is still one of the tops in the Midwest for education and they were once again ranked as the #2 regional university for the Midwest. The situation you alluded to would be a major problem to any public university, not just UNI. I'm not saying we're sitting on a pot of gold but the idea that we are in a serious financial situation that afflicts no one else is just plain ignorant.
This would explain a lot. Poor grammar aside, you are an education major from a state school. Your school is the premier "education" school in the state. You translate or project (a better word) that UNI being the dominant teaching school in Iowa equates to being the dominant school in Iowa higher education. You neglect to tell me where most of the doctors, lawyers, dentists, politicians and business majors come from. Not UNI. In fact, many farmers and those heavily involved in Iowa agriculture often come from Iowa State. Higher education is not only about being the school that teaches public school teachers, but educating people in their professional life, teaching is only one career path. A poorly funded one at that. I would feel much better about UNI's future if there was a pipeline of higher paying alumni, those with the means to drop thousands of dollars a year on their beloved alma mater's athletic program. Being a member of the Iowa Education Association doesn't leave a lot of excess in the checkbook for UNI athletics.
Here is a list of UNI's graduate programs:
Master of Accounting
Master of Arts
Master of Arts in Education
Master of Business Administration
Master of Music
Master of Public Policy
Master of Science
Master of Social Work
Professional Science Master's Degree
Specialist in Education
Doctor of Education
Doctor of Industrial Technology
Not a lot of fluff in that. In comparison, here is the list of graduate programs at Iowa State:
•Aerospace Engineering
•Agricultural Economics
•Agricultural Education
•Agricultural Engineering
•Agricultural History and Rural Studies
•Agricultural Meteorology
•Analytical Chemistry
•Animal Breeding and Genetics
•Animal Physiology
•Animal Science
•Apparel, Merchandising, and Design
•Applied Linguistics and Technology
•Applied Mathematics
•Applied Physics
•Art and Design
•Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
•Biomedical Sciences
•Biorenewable Resources and Technology
•Business Administration
•Business and Technology (PhD)
•Chemical Engineering
•Civil Engineering
•Community and Regional Planning
•Computer Engineering
•Computer Science
•Condensed Matter Physics
•Creative Writing and Environment
•Crop Production and Physiology
•Diet and Exercise
•Earth Science
•Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
•Education - Curriculum and Instruction
•Education - Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
•Electrical Engineering
•Engineering Mechanics
•Environmental Science
•Family and Consumer Sciences
•Fisheries Biology
•Food Science and Technology
•Graphic Design
•High Energy Physics
•History of Technology and Science
•Hospitality Management
•Human Computer Interaction
•Human Development and Family Studies
•Industrial and Agricultural Technology
•Industrial Design
•Industrial Engineering
•Information Assurance
•Information Systems
•Inorganic Chemistry
•Integrated Visual Arts
•Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies
•Interior Design
•Journalism and Mass Communication
•Landscape Architecture
•Materials Science and Engineering
•Meat Science
•Mechanical Engineering
•Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
•Nuclear Physics
•Nutritional Sciences
•Organic Chemistry
•Physical Chemistry
•Plant Biology
•Plant Breeding
•Plant Pathology
•Political Science
•Professional Agriculture
•Public Administration
•Rhetoric and Professional Communication
•Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication
•Rural Sociology
•School Mathematics
•Science Education
•Seed Technology and Business
•Soil Science
•Sustainable Agriculture
•Systems Engineering
•Teaching English as a Second Language/Applied Linguistics
•Veterinary Clinical Sciences
•Veterinary Microbiology
•Veterinary Pathology
•Veterinary Preventive Medicine
•Wildlife Ecology
Graduate Certificates
•Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy Certificate
•Applied Research Methods in the Human Sciences
•Community College Leadership Certification
•Community College Teaching Certificate
•Computational Fluid Dynamics
•Computer Networking
•Construction Management
•Dietetics Communication and Counseling
•Dietetics Internship
•Dietetics Management Certificate
•Embedded Systems
•Entrepreneurship and Innovation
•Enviromental Systems
•Environmental Engineering Graduate Certificate
•Family Financial Planning Certificate
•Food Safety and Defense
•Forensic Sciences
•Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Certificate
•Gerontology Certificate
•Human Computer Interaction Certificate
•Information Assurance Certificate
•Instructional Design
•Power Systems Engineering Graduate Certificate
•Principal Licensure--PreLEAD Certificate
•Public Management Certificate
•Quantitative Psychology
•Seed Business Management
•Seed Science and Technology
•Social Justice in Higher Education
•Software Systems
•Special Education Certificate
•Student Affairs
•Superintendent Licensure--Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
•Systems Engineering Certificate
•Teaching English as a Second Language/Teaching English as a Foreign Language
•Veterinary Preventive Medicine
I won't even try to compare UNI to the University of Iowa.