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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby horacepinker » March 4th, 2013, 6:38 pm

isuredbirds92 wrote:I'm sorry that you don't know Jackie like ISU fans do. But these accusations are completely out of character for him. Which is why we have a hard time believing them. I'm not specifically saying that he didn't do it, but I'm just saying that it's hard for me to believe. So I am obviously biased and so are the UNI and WSU fans. It's hard to find out the actual facts on here without a great amount of bias. That is not to say that makes the claims invalid, it is just hard to tell what is fact and what is embelishment.

I remember when I found out there was no such thing as the Easter Bunny! It was hard to believe at first but the evidence.....
Deanthonybowden wrote:
"i agree , wsu recruits athletes, but in reality they dont recruit any better basketball players than isu or ill. st, and creighton definately recruits better than wichita, wichita is the most over-rated valley team"
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Re: ISU at UNI



Re: ISU at UNI

Postby shoxrox » March 4th, 2013, 6:43 pm

RedbirdLisa wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:
RedbirdLisa wrote:It just seems like a lot of piling on at this point.

When the finger is pointed directly at you it is convenient to play the " pile on" card. You guys and gals were pretty agreeable to pile on Marshall and the Shockers not to long ago. :Violin:

Like I said on the other thread please let us spoil another Saturday night in St Louis for you shocker . Just tired of the sniping by your fan base on threads that have nothing to do with you.

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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby UNIFanSince1983 » March 4th, 2013, 6:57 pm

I was not close enough to hear what was said nor did I see what happened when Jackie fell into the cheerleaders. I do know for a fact that both him and Muller had words with either cheerleaders or students or both. It just seems like the holier than thou act Redbird fans gave when calling WSU classless were a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. It just shows anyone when pushed too far will do something they regret.
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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby achrist70 » March 4th, 2013, 6:58 pm

Like I said I was 10 feet from it, I would agree it was out of character for Carmichael from what I have seen of him, but in the heat of battle, especially having a poor game it happened. I don't think it is that big of a deal, but it seems that Redbird fans don't want to let it go.
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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby SHOXMVC » March 4th, 2013, 8:40 pm

RedbirdLisa wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:
RedbirdLisa wrote:It just seems like a lot of piling on at this point.

When the finger is pointed directly at you it is convenient to play the " pile on" card. You guys and gals were pretty agreeable to pile on Marshall and the Shockers not to long ago. :Violin:

Like I said on the other thread please let us spoil another Saturday night in St Louis for you shocker . Just tired of the sniping by your fan base on threads that have nothing to do with you.

Look blonde, I will be as clear as possible, so get out your big chief tablet and crayon and follow along.

This site is titled mvcfans, which implies it's welcome to all fans of the 10 MVC schools, including you and me. Are you with me?

Because I root for the Shockers, first and foremost, one could argue that I belong here, just like you belong here. Need time to process?

Now, I don't want to embarrass you any further and give countless examples of MVC fans interested, and therefore comment, in threads that don't specifically include their school in the title (trust me its not hard to find). I will pause for a moment...

Here is where my extreme sarcasm ends. Believe it or not I like the birds. Yes, JC made a chump move in the moment against TC. Do I think he is a chump? happened however. So did some kind of back-and -forth between our asst coach and your fans. Your fan base BBQ'd him for that...and yes, piled on. Some Shocker fans automatically think of JC and the birds as the devil because of it. I don't. You might even be correct that the birds might spoil our Saturday night. I hope not. I just thought your "pile on" comment was rather ironic is all.

Time for recess...bye now!

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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby ilstu2013 » March 4th, 2013, 9:11 pm

SHOXMVC wrote:
Look blonde, I will be as clear as possible, so get out your big chief tablet and crayon and follow along.

This site is titled mvcfans, which implies it's welcome to all fans of the 10 MVC schools, including you and me. Are you with me?

Because I root for the Shockers, first and foremost, one could argue that I belong here, just like you belong here. Need time to process?

Now, I don't want to embarrass you any further and give countless examples of MVC fans interested, and therefore comment, in threads that don't specifically include their school in the title (trust me its not hard to find). I will pause for a moment...

Here is where my extreme sarcasm ends. Believe it or not I like the birds. Yes, JC made a chump move in the moment against TC. Do I think he is a chump? happened however. So did some kind of back-and -forth between our asst coach and your fans. Your fan base BBQ'd him for that...and yes, piled on. Some Shocker fans automatically think of JC and the birds as the devil because of it. I don't. You might even be correct that the birds might spoil our Saturday night. I hope not. I just thought your "pile on" comment was rather ironic is all.

Time for recess...bye now!

That's really great.
I can't wait to hear UNI and WSU fans crying after we beat them back-to-back Friday and Saturday. :'(
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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby uniftw » March 4th, 2013, 10:31 pm

achrist70 wrote:Like I said I was 10 feet from it, I would agree it was out of character for Carmichael from what I have seen of him, but in the heat of battle, especially having a poor game it happened. I don't think it is that big of a deal, but it seems that Redbird fans don't want to let it go.

I can attest to the fact that this man was, indeed, no further than 10 feet from the incident.

FWIW, at least one of the UNI male cheerleaders is in the military.
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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby hot nuts » March 4th, 2013, 11:23 pm

uniftw wrote:
achrist70 wrote:Like I said I was 10 feet from it, I would agree it was out of character for Carmichael from what I have seen of him, but in the heat of battle, especially having a poor game it happened. I don't think it is that big of a deal, but it seems that Redbird fans don't want to let it go.

I can attest to the fact that this man was, indeed, no further than 10 feet from the incident.

FWIW, at least one of the UNI male cheerleaders is in the military.

So it's obvious that Jackie Carmichael hates America too! It's suddenly very apparent why he chose to play for the REDbirds!
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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby isuredbirds92 » March 4th, 2013, 11:30 pm

My point in coming to Jackie's defense is to say that these incidents involving him this year are the only two instances where I can recall any distasteful behavior on his part. He has played in this league for 4 years and has never had anything but a positive conotation around his name, from what I know. All of a sudden these two isolated incidents happen, both of which have unclear motives, and everyone acts like he's a total dirtbag. That is why I have a hard time believing that he was unprovoked. I don't mean to trash talk other fanbases or anything. I am simply standing up for my player and a guy who I know is a class act in this league.
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Re: ISU at UNI

Postby shoxrox » March 5th, 2013, 12:03 am

ilstu2013 wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:
Look blonde, I will be as clear as possible, so get out your big chief tablet and crayon and follow along.

This site is titled mvcfans, which implies it's welcome to all fans of the 10 MVC schools, including you and me. Are you with me?

Because I root for the Shockers, first and foremost, one could argue that I belong here, just like you belong here. Need time to process?

Now, I don't want to embarrass you any further and give countless examples of MVC fans interested, and therefore comment, in threads that don't specifically include their school in the title (trust me its not hard to find). I will pause for a moment...

Here is where my extreme sarcasm ends. Believe it or not I like the birds. Yes, JC made a chump move in the moment against TC. Do I think he is a chump? happened however. So did some kind of back-and -forth between our asst coach and your fans. Your fan base BBQ'd him for that...and yes, piled on. Some Shocker fans automatically think of JC and the birds as the devil because of it. I don't. You might even be correct that the birds might spoil our Saturday night. I hope not. I just thought your "pile on" comment was rather ironic is all.

Time for recess...bye now!

That's really great.
I can't wait to hear UNI and WSU fans crying after we beat them back-to-back Friday and Saturday. :'(

The t-shirt isn't that cool. And besides you've already posted it in another thread. I thought it wasn't a big deal? Guess it is after all.

And I'm pretty sure Carmichael could commit murder and there'd be Redbird fans on here defending him.
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