Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby Wufan » December 10th, 2010, 7:59 am

oneNEIGHBOR wrote:
jayball wrote:WSU Hamilton 3.5 mpg, .5 rpg, 2.0 ppg

Hamilton is a beast. He should get FOTY with his dunk he had the last time he played. Too bad he has only played 2 times this season... Wish he would not have hurt his ankle at the start of the year, he might of been able to get in the rotation.

If you extrapolate out Hamilton's stats to match McDermott's minutes, he would average 17 points, 4 boards, and 4 blocks. Problem is that he has only played 7 minutes total this year. I would imagine that if he truely did play 30 minutes per game he would average 10 points and 4 boards as a red-shirt frosh.

McDermott and Rice are the only two horses in this race. Everyone else is an also ran (barring a significant change in minutes played). They also look like 1 and 2 in the NOY award. That could change as some of the jucos are still finding their role on a team and minutes are likely to become more available to the transfer upper classmen. As for first team all MVC, I don't see McDermott getting the nod unless Creighton wins the Valley. I think Young will get the nod over McD for Creighton and that Doug's minutes will decrease in the second semester. None the less, he is quite the player!
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?



Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby Snapshot9 » December 10th, 2010, 11:06 am

You gotta love those coach's sons. They always seem to have something extra on the court.
(Reflecting back on Matt Braeuer too!)
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby Turner » December 13th, 2010, 9:50 am

I love Dougie, but he hasn't scored a point in the last 3 halves of basketball. With Wragge going off the other night and his ability to stretch the floor particularly with our wings shooting so poorly, yuo have to wonder how much Doug's minutes will be reduced.
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby 45otseoj » December 14th, 2010, 10:10 pm

Production Per-40 Minutes, Top MVC Freshman

BU: Lemon, Prosser, CU: Doug McD, DU: Ray Rice, IL: Ekey, IN: Odum, MS: Scheer

Lemon 18.7
Ray Rice 17.9
Doug McD 17.6
Scheer 9.7
Odum 9.5
Ekey 7.4
Prosser 6.7

Prosser 11.2
Doug McD 7.9
Ekey 7.4
Lemon 5.9
Ray Rice 5.8
Scheer 4.8
Odum 4.4

Odum 4.0
Scheer 3.9
Ray Rice 3.6
Ekey 3.1
Doug McD 1.8
Lemon 0.8
Prosser 0.4

Ekey 2.9
Ray Rice 2.2
Odum 2.1
Lemon 2.0
Doug McD 0.8
Prosser 0.4
Scheer 0.2

Ekey 3.6
Lemon 1.2
Odum 0.8
Ray Rice 0.7
Doug McD 0.3
Scheer 0.2
Prosser 0

Scheer 0.9
Ekey 1.7
Doug McD 2.3
Odum 2.6
Prosser 2.7
Ray Rice 3.3
Lemon 3.9
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby cu8493 » December 15th, 2010, 8:39 am

Apples to oranges. You can't project out 40 minutes, because those guys that are playing significantly less time are not running up and down the court for 30+ minutes per game. They aren't guarding on defense nearly as long. They don't have big bodies pushing, shoving and leaning on them for 30+ minutes. They're not out there with fatigued legs, fighting through exhaustion. There are a lot of players who would have All-American stats if you took their 10-15 minutes per game and extrapolated their production over 40 minutes. Those guys aren't in the game 30+ minutes for a reason. Only actual performance on the Court is relevant.
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby 45otseoj » December 15th, 2010, 10:39 am

cu8493 wrote:Apples to oranges. You can't project out 40 minutes, because those guys that are playing significantly less time are not running up and down the court for 30+ minutes per game. They aren't guarding on defense nearly as long. They don't have big bodies pushing, shoving and leaning on them for 30+ minutes. They're not out there with fatigued legs, fighting through exhaustion. There are a lot of players who would have All-American stats if you took their 10-15 minutes per game and extrapolated their production over 40 minutes. Those guys aren't in the game 30+ minutes for a reason. Only actual performance on the Court is relevant.

I totally agree. I threw out players that play under 15 mpg. I suspect that McD's production efficiency will improve even more when the Echemonster becomes eligible.

Creighton seems to have the same probelm as ISUr... Great bigs; crappy guards.
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby dgreenwell3 » December 15th, 2010, 11:05 am

I think that's a common problem in the Valley...I feel like Valley teams started focusing more on recruiting front-court players and focused less on the back-court.
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby 45otseoj » December 15th, 2010, 11:12 am

dgreenwell3 wrote:I think that's a common problem in the Valley...I feel like Valley teams started focusing more on recruiting front-court players and focused less on the back-court.

Quality front-court players are MUCH harder to find though. Look at the top 3 teams last season; all 3 had above average bigs. Servicable guards are a dime a dozen.
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby dgreenwell3 » December 15th, 2010, 11:24 am

I don't see any teams in the Valley this year that have terrible front-courts tho...I can think of a few who have bad back-courts...
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Re: Doug McDermott - frosh all MVC?

Postby WuDrWu » December 15th, 2010, 11:59 am

Please define terrible.

Thank you.
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