The Valpo fan posted the article about the accusations against Wardle, but didn't mention the results of the independent investigation Green Bay later commissioned. Basically it only confirmed that he used profane language and encouraged a player to have sex. No physical abuse. ... n/2358557/I don't care how long Dave Reynolds has been doing this, I've never been that impressed. I see errors in his articles regularly that the quickest of proofreadings would catch. And he's generally glass-half-empty with his coverage. Even in today's article, in an attempt to be gracious about what happened, he dwells on how IF Bradley gets a 15 seed it would be the worst in Valley history, detailing that history. And most of the rest is just a cut-and-paste from a Bradley release about when to show up for the selection party and the presence of a cash bar and bouncy house.
Also, it's pathetic how so many of our fans are worshipful of this guy. Did I really see a suggestion a championship coach should be fired because he wouldn't let a newspaper reporter interview his players?? Are you out of your mind??
All this talk about journalistic ethics -- I've even seen the Constitution and freedom of the press brought up, as if that has any bearing on anything -- is silly. I'm sure Thomas Jefferson really had in mind Dave Reynolds being denied access to Nate Kennell. This is midmajor basketball. You're not on the front lines in Yemen. Quit being such a dour jeez.
I will say it wasn't Reynolds's fault that the PJS ran a headline on his story that had "Fire Wardle" in it. That's some idiot copy editor. But regardless the PJS needs to get its s*** together and realize this town needs some good news and Edward R Murrow won't roll in his grave if you're a bit enthusiastic. Christ.