PurpleAcesFans shutting down — New Evansville Board

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Re: PurpleAcesFans shutting down — New Evansville Board

Postby Mikovio » January 15th, 2020, 8:10 am

E-Villan wrote:I don't know about the length, but McCarty is in the $400K range. There are bonuses for performance..post-season, attendance,etc. I was also told McCarty negotiated pretty hard to get more money for his assistants. That was last year when he brought Lick and Graves in, not sure if that carried over to Seltzer. He was also given "a considerable" higher recruiting budget, and perks such as video room upgrades, travel upgrades, etc.

There is no question there is more money available to him than ever was to Simmons. Simmons also never gave anything other than base performance.

Sounds about right. But at $400k for 3 years you are talking 7 figures.

My (wild) guess is Evansville is gathering the facts to determine how solid a case they have for terminating for cause. If they're not sure they'll win in court they'll negotiate a buyout. I'd be shocked if McCarty returns regardless but it's curious they did just land a recruit.
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Re: PurpleAcesFans shutting down — New Evansville Board



Re: PurpleAcesFans shutting down — New Evansville Board

Postby municup14 » January 15th, 2020, 12:14 pm

Received lastyears Mr.Basketball from Ohio as a transfer from Nebraska.He officially accepted a scholarship even with Walter's situation. Plus all 3 other recruits haven't asked for releases or open up their recruitment.Plus we dont have anymore scholarships to give and still have 2 players committed.Crazy
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