Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby ShoxNAwe » February 25th, 2017, 1:04 pm

For Landry Shamet and Connor Frankamp today:

37 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, ZERO turnovers. Are they better than Fred and Ron?
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet



Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby BirdsEyeView » February 25th, 2017, 1:05 pm

ShoxNAwe wrote:For Landry Shamet and Connor Frankamp today:

37 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, ZERO turnovers. Are they better than Fred and Ron?

They will be. Today they were!
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby Charles_Martel » February 25th, 2017, 9:24 pm

ShoxNAwe wrote:For Landry Shamet and Connor Frankamp today:

37 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, ZERO turnovers. Are they better than Fred and Ron?

Those stats don't reflect defense. I think Fred and Ron were better defensive duo than Landry and Connor.
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby Aargh » July 1st, 2017, 1:46 pm

Baker just signed a 3-year deal with the Knicks for $15 million.
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby MissouriValleyUnite » July 1st, 2017, 7:39 pm

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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby glm38 » July 1st, 2017, 7:42 pm

Aargh wrote:Baker just signed a 3-year deal with the Knicks for $15 million.

Great news. Any word 9n VanVleet?
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby Aargh » July 1st, 2017, 8:28 pm

VanVleet is playing summer league - still with the Raptors. The Raptors have something like 4 PG's on their roster, including the PG from the US Olympic team, and a guy who's considered the best backup PG in the league.

Cleanthony Early is in summer league with San Antonio.

I think Fred sticks in the league and Early - better have a good summer. Fred didn't get a lot of court time in Toronto. He got occasional assignments to the D-League to get PT. He ate that league up when he played in it. Led the Raptors D-League team to the playoff championship of the D-League. It appeared he was sent to the D-League just to help the Raptors team there win the playoffs. He was immediately back in Toronto and getting PT in the playoffs after the D-League playoffs were over.
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby Snaggletooth » July 4th, 2017, 9:11 am

The raptors are looking at possibly trading their PG. That might open up opportunities for Fred.
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby Aargh » September 21st, 2017, 8:38 pm

I wouldn't normally bump this thread, but this was a surprise to me. I thought I'd share with others who watched Baker for so many years.

Scott Perry, the Knicks GM, named Baker as one of their 5 core players going forward.

If you'd rather I not post things like this in the future, I will not. Just thought this might be of interest to MVC fans.
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Re: Baker/VanVleet - Baker/VanVleet

Postby BirdsEyeView » September 22nd, 2017, 7:11 am

Very cool!
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