Khan4Cats wrote:Khan4Cats wrote:Marcus Paige is highly unlikely to play which is unfortunate for him. It would have also been cool to see him match with Matt Bohannon who was his high school teammate and won a state title with him. (Matt was the tournament MVP)
Huge step up for UNI and while I hope for a W, the scenarios to pull one off are pretty narrow with everything and absolutely, everything, having to go right.
We go to North Carolina twice in return for this home game so this is a game that will help our program into the future for scheduling as well.
I am still trying to figure it out how we did that. We did not play a perfect game and we still pulled it off.
Coach Jake has seemed to have gotten these guys to buy into the team first and they just went at it as a team. Ted Friedman played probably the best 0 point scoring game in UNI history. The veterans made huge plays, led by Washpun. We only played 7 guys the entire second half. Etc. Etc. Just flat out out-willed the Tar Heels down the stretch.
I really hope we can bottle this effort and run with it all year. Can't let this be the highlight of the season.
Even if it is, that's a pretty good highlight.