Redbirds open vs VCU

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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby bcg » November 13th, 2013, 7:34 am

Daishon Knight started the season opening game. He missed nothing. The ISU fans that I work with and talk with are embarrassed by this. Obviously, some have different opinions, which is fine.
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU



Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Redbirdfan21 » November 13th, 2013, 8:34 am

I was not happy about him playing vs. VCU because of the charges. I also knew Muller and the AD would get eaten alive by other schools... until I heard the non-public details of the incident.

I don't expect any of you guys to not rip DM for having him play, as I'd likely do the same if it was another school... but if it was your school, and you knew the details, you would probably agree with lack if a game suspension... Unfortunately, those will never become public...
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby 2livewu » November 13th, 2013, 9:28 am

I've read about this inside information a couple of times.

Here's what I'd like to know. How old is Knight? Did this happen at an adult drinking establishment?

Had he been drinking at all? (That means was he subjected to a BAT and did it come back clean?)
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Redbirdfan21 » November 13th, 2013, 9:43 am

2livewu wrote:I've read about this inside information a couple of times.

Here's what I'd like to know. How old is Knight? Did this happen at an adult drinking establishment?

Had he been drinking at all? (That means was he subjected to a BAT and did it come back clean?)

Knight is 22. I believe the incident was in downtown Bloomington around the bars (on the street/sidewalk area- not in an actual bar)...

I am not sure if he was drinking at all... one could assume yes, but I have seen several athletes in the bar area just hanging out and not drinking...
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby agrinut » November 13th, 2013, 11:04 am

Redbirdfan21 wrote:I was not happy about him playing vs. VCU because of the charges. I also knew Muller and the AD would get eaten alive by other schools... until I heard the non-public details of the incident.

I don't expect any of you guys to not rip DM for having him play, as I'd likely do the same if it was another school... but if it was your school, and you knew the details, you would probably agree with lack if a game suspension... Unfortunately, those will never become public...

What are the "non-public details" the kid admitted guilt. His lack of priors kept him from getting a felony. I'm worried about the female fans around the league. If they start yelling and cheering he could lose control again. DM has put all the female fans in the league at risk. Yes, that is all hyperbole but it is just as believable as a story that knight felt threatened enough to punch a woman in the face.
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Aargh » November 13th, 2013, 12:19 pm

People who feel threatened tend to welcome a police presence.

There are no undisclosed details that justify resisting arrest.

The undisclosed details seem to be "she was asking for it". That has been used many times, and has never been well-received.

Considering how quick Muller was to kick players off the team, this really looks like there's a huge double standard, and creates the appearance that a player he deems important to the team gets a lot of leeway. That's a dangerous appearance when dealing with some of the recruiting risks Muller is willing to take.
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Black » November 13th, 2013, 1:51 pm

ilstu2013 wrote:
Black wrote:I just love how this particular Redbird fan is trying to defend this. An exhibition game is technically a game? lol. Good one.
What's the second word in exhibition game? I didn't say it was a game that counted toward the season record, but it's a game nonetheless. If it's not a game, then why is the second word "game" in exhibition game?

Ok, we both agree on the use of the word "game". Glad we got that straightened out. Now if we can only differentiate between a meaningless exhibition game vs Quincy and a regular season game that counts in the books vs. No.14 VCU.

Yes, I'm sure Knight got the message loud and clear sitting out against Quincy. :roll:

What a joke.
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Bmarq04 » November 13th, 2013, 5:15 pm

I hate the whole "I know the inside story" garbage.

Unless you were there and can prove exactly what happened, you likely don't.

I'm a Redbird fan and would like to know the actual details. In situations like this, there are 3 sides to the story. My side, your side, and the middle - usually the truth.

We have Redbird fans on one side saying they know what happened, other programs and Redbird fans like myself on the opposite side seeing an arrest with a guilty plea, and in reality, the truth is likely a little of both.

I do feel, however, if the details were important enough that it warrants not missing real games, then they should be made available. Otherwise it appears as a double standard or that this behavior is allowable. Knowing the little facts that I know, I'm in the group with most Redbird fans that are surprised he wasn't given a game(s) suspension.
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Wufan » November 13th, 2013, 6:42 pm

Bmarq04 wrote:I hate the whole "I know the inside story" garbage.

Unless you were there and can prove exactly what happened, you likely don't.

I'm a Redbird fan and would like to know the actual details. In situations like this, there are 3 sides to the story. My side, your side, and the middle - usually the truth.

We have Redbird fans on one side saying they know what happened, other programs and Redbird fans like myself on the opposite side seeing an arrest with a guilty plea, and in reality, the truth is likely a little of both.

I do feel, however, if the details were important enough that it warrants not missing real games, then they should be made available. Otherwise it appears as a double standard or that this behavior is allowable. Knowing the little facts that I know, I'm in the group with most Redbird fans that are surprised he wasn't given a game(s) suspension.

Well said. Pleading guilty to resisting arrest alone is worthy of suspension from a meaningful game. Being at the wrong place where things like this happen is worthy of a suspension from a meaningful game. Setting an example for the team is worthy of a meaningful game suspension. Saying, 'he plead guilty because he had to, but he wasn't really guilty so we are done dealing with this' is a cop out.
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Re: Redbirds open vs VCU

Postby Aargh » November 13th, 2013, 9:02 pm

There is a concept in law enforcement (and prosecution) about an alleged perpetrator's acts that indicate an awareness of guilt.

Here's an example: Let's say you are startled, turn around quickly, inadvertently hit someone in the face with your elbow, they fall down, hit their head on concrete, and end up unconscious. When the police show up, they expect you will tell them exactly what happened. They will check with the alleged victim. If the stories agree, no charges are filed.

BUT, if you run away when the cops show up, that's considered an indication that you knew you had done something wrong, and you will be arrested. If it goes to trial, the prosecutor will point out to the jury that you didn't take the opportunity to explain the circumstances to law enforcement. Instead, you ran, indicating you felt you had a reason to evade law enforcement.

When the prosecutor points that out to a jury, things don't tend to go well for the accused.

We'll never know what happened. Knight knows exactly what happened, and he did everything he could to avoid having the police find and arrest him. That pretty much indicates he knew he had done something that would get him arrested, not that he had defended his property or inadvertently cold-cocked a woman.
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