MVC Week 8

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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby MoValleyFan » February 19th, 2019, 11:07 pm

Bear4Life wrote:I legit didnt care who won this game. If the Bears win their next 2 then it doesn’t matter what Drake does, it all comes down to the final game at the Q.

That said, I watched this whole game and don’t see how a non-biased fan would think that was fairly called.

Drake shot 36 free throws to 9! The second T on Wardle was terrible! He waved his hands at the ref and turned away. Wardle was in shock at the call and rightfully so! As a ref you have to realize there is some emotion in a big game and the call on D-Lo was very questionable that led to the T (especially considering the aforementioned foul disparity). The flagrant was probably the right call based on this years rules, but it was very incidental and just continued to keep the refs involved in the outcome of the game.

When you see a team out-shoot another team 48% to 36% and shoot the same from the 3-point line, that generally leads to a W.

But not tonight.... Wardle must have said something previously to get a quick Technical... Every year Bradley has the best athletes but somehow can't put it together... maybe this year in Arch Madness they can show what they can do. Childs and Brown are a great combination.
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Re: MVC Week 8



Re: MVC Week 8

Postby DUBulldog » February 19th, 2019, 11:12 pm

Drakey wrote:Is there any specific call that was wrong? I'm sure there were several as in all games, but the Braves were pretty handsy. The technicals were earned, and the flagrant call was absolutely correct. Murphy was in perfect position for the rebound and next thing you know he is laying on the ground and Bradley has the ball. What's the deal with the Braves refusing to come out of their huddle during the starting lineup announcement? Never seen that before.

Or, Childs refusing to fist-bump McGlynn before the opening tip....Bradley came out with a chip on their shoulder. I've seen Drake get bent over by the officials so many times over the years that I'm definitely ok if Drake got some help in this one. But, if you take away the 2 technicals, the hook-and hold and the 5 or 6 semi-intentional fouls in the last few minutes, then the FT discrepancy is only something like 20-9, rather than 36-9. Yeah, still somewhat lopsided, but definitely not unheard of.
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby musiccitybulldog » February 19th, 2019, 11:12 pm

ptownbraves wrote:
Drakey wrote:Is there any specific call that was wrong? I'm sure there were several as in all games, but the Braves were pretty handsy. The technicals were earned, and the flagrant call was absolutely correct. Murphy was in perfect position for the rebound and next thing you know he is laying on the ground and Bradley has the ball. What's the deal with the Braves refusing to come out of their huddle during the starting lineup announcement? Never seen that before.

Did we watch the same game? The refs tarnished what should have been a competitive late February matchup between two of the hottest teams in the conference.

It was not only the act of reversing a Drake foul call and assigning it to Bradley after a review, but also:
- Refs swallowing their whistles when there was contact from Drake but calling ticky tack stuff on the other end. If you're going to call a tight game, you call it tight for both sides. For what it's worth, I thought toward the end the refs called some questionable fouls on Drake too. By that point, the game was pretty much in the bag.
- A blatant Drake travel that wasn't whistled and led to a big basket down the stretch.
- Murphy throwing his elbows up after a pedestrian intentional foul and no call from the refs.
- A few too many home friendly out of bounds calls on rebound tips.
- The loose ball non-contact foul on DLO from the ref on the other side of the court. The ref right in front of the play didn't blow his whistle.

If Drake would have shot their nomal percentage from three it would have been at least 20 ppoint Bulldog win. I actually thought Bradley played better the last meeting.
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby Tulsa Brave » February 19th, 2019, 11:23 pm

musiccitybulldog wrote:
ptownbraves wrote:
Drakey wrote:Is there any specific call that was wrong? I'm sure there were several as in all games, but the Braves were pretty handsy. The technicals were earned, and the flagrant call was absolutely correct. Murphy was in perfect position for the rebound and next thing you know he is laying on the ground and Bradley has the ball. What's the deal with the Braves refusing to come out of their huddle during the starting lineup announcement? Never seen that before.

Did we watch the same game? The refs tarnished what should have been a competitive late February matchup between two of the hottest teams in the conference.

It was not only the act of reversing a Drake foul call and assigning it to Bradley after a review, but also:
- Refs swallowing their whistles when there was contact from Drake but calling ticky tack stuff on the other end. If you're going to call a tight game, you call it tight for both sides. For what it's worth, I thought toward the end the refs called some questionable fouls on Drake too. By that point, the game was pretty much in the bag.
- A blatant Drake travel that wasn't whistled and led to a big basket down the stretch.
- Murphy throwing his elbows up after a pedestrian intentional foul and no call from the refs.
- A few too many home friendly out of bounds calls on rebound tips.
- The loose ball non-contact foul on DLO from the ref on the other side of the court. The ref right in front of the play didn't blow his whistle.

If Drake would have shot their nomal percentage from three it would have been at least 20 ppoint Bulldog win. I actually thought Bradley played better the last meeting.

You’re joking, right? You really think Bradley played better in Peoria when they missed 20 shots in a row on their way to a 15 point 1st half??? By the way, Drake’s season percentage from three is 35.9%. Tonight they were 33.3%. Bradley’s season percentage is 37.1%, and tonight’s was 35.3%. They were both pretty close to their season long average.
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby davidfast » February 19th, 2019, 11:33 pm

tribecalledquest wrote:
davidfast wrote:Starting 0-5 was the refs fault too right? Complaining about officiating is about as effective as yelling at the sun for rising, but to each their own.

Let's stay on topic. No strawmen. No one is talking about the 0-5 start.

I realize no one gives two craps about my posting history on this board. I've never been a "blame official" guy. I'm around the game way too much for that. But tonight was so unbelievably god awful. It really, truly was. Drake won. Good for them. But you can also acknowledge horrific officiating when it happens.

36 FT's to 9? Really?

Yet here you are blaming the refs.....guess there goes the never portion of your story.
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby spoon » February 20th, 2019, 12:01 am

Statistically speaking, Bradley outplayed Drake. Any fan arguing otherwise has blue tinted glasses. I’d love Bradley to meet Drake in Arch Madnesss. I don’t think there are many Drake fans that would welcome that with open arms. But Judging by some of the idiotic Drake fans here, it seems like they’d like that. Crossing my fingers.
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby TheAsianSensation » February 20th, 2019, 12:34 am

It's almost as if two fan bases have different perspectives of the game influenced by their natural biases.


The two Ts were pretty surreal though. Some magic words must've been said, but even then, those were soft. And the review and flagrant were bizarre. All those calls were pretty immediate game-changers, and all borderline at best. I was pretty much okay with all of the "normal" calls though.

Bradley more or less played a league leader on the road to a stalemate. Let's run it back in a Valley semifinal. A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby Majik45 » February 20th, 2019, 5:17 am

Interesting discusaion over here. As a Bradley fan, I was pretty livid last night as it seemed loke we were playin 8 on 5. After 2 technicals in 1 minutes time, and then to change a foul called on Drake to an intentional foul on Bradley really seems like a fix is in.

Some Drake fans were asking about which fouls were not fouls. I think most Bradley fans were more frustrated with the lack of calling the game tight on both ends. Bradley is getting grabbed and bumped a lot and not many calls. A perfect example is right before the half. Brummet makes a steal and starts dribbling down court and gets mugged twice and no call which leads to Drake layup at buzzer.

At half time I was thinking Bradley just needs to stop fouling and we will win the game. Then when you get 2 technicals in a minute, just amplifies the issue with free throw disparity.

And despite all this Bradley had a chance to win the game at the end. Brown missed a 3 with 2 minutes left that would have made it a 1 point game and childs missed an easy one in the lane with 1 minute left that would have made it 2 point game.

Do give Drake credit for making 31 of 36 free throws. That is really good and won them the game
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby agernes » February 20th, 2019, 6:52 am

Majik45 wrote:Interesting discusaion over here. As a Bradley fan, I was pretty livid last night as it seemed loke we were playin 8 on 5. After 2 technicals in 1 minutes time, and then to change a foul called on Drake to an intentional foul on Bradley really seems like a fix is in.

Some Drake fans were asking about which fouls were not fouls. I think most Bradley fans were more frustrated with the lack of calling the game tight on both ends. Bradley is getting grabbed and bumped a lot and not many calls. A perfect example is right before the half. Brummet makes a steal and starts dribbling down court and gets mugged twice and no call which leads to Drake layup at buzzer.

At half time I was thinking Bradley just needs to stop fouling and we will win the game. Then when you get 2 technicals in a minute, just amplifies the issue with free throw disparity.

And despite all this Bradley had a chance to win the game at the end. Brown missed a 3 with 2 minutes left that would have made it a 1 point game and childs missed an easy one in the lane with 1 minute left that would have made it 2 point game.

Do give Drake credit for making 31 of 36 free throws. That is really good and won them the game

This is where I disagree. The game was called pretty tight on both ends. Noah Thomas had to sit early in the second half because of a ticky tack call. McGlynn got called for the and-1 on the allyoop in a very ticky-tack situation.

Here's the deal: Bradley is a *much* more handsy team than Drake. Bradley is 8th in the conference in defensive free throw rate. Drake is first. Bradley plays more physical, bumps a lot more. They might get away with it at home or even in a neutral St. Louis environment, but on the road against a team that moves the ball very quickly to open players, they were caught a step behind several times.

Also, Wardle was jawing with the ref constantly. He was very stiff, non-flamboyant about it. But he was jawing. They lost followed their coaches lead and lost their composure because they were getting called on a lot of their physicality and they weren't used to it.

The free throw disparity is being completely overblown. Bradley had FIVE and-1s last night. If they missed those baskets, they're shooting 14 FTs instead of nine. Take away the six intentional FTs at the end of the night for Drake and assume Bradley keeps their composure and doesn't get technicals/flagrants, the FT margin is 14-24. That's very reasonable for a margin that assumes Bradley is going to send teams more often to the line than Drake is because they're much more physical and handsy defensively.

There was certainly a little home-cooking, but it wasn't anything more egregious than a typical Valley home cook is. Also, it isn't as if Drake had everything go their way. In addition to the ticky-tack calls on Drake I mentioned, let's not forget Robbins got elbowed in the face to the point of blood and there was no call (photo below, there is blood for those who are wary) ... 06283e.jpg
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Re: MVC Week 8

Postby ptownbraves » February 20th, 2019, 7:18 am

agernes wrote:
Majik45 wrote:Interesting discusaion over here. As a Bradley fan, I was pretty livid last night as it seemed loke we were playin 8 on 5. After 2 technicals in 1 minutes time, and then to change a foul called on Drake to an intentional foul on Bradley really seems like a fix is in.

Some Drake fans were asking about which fouls were not fouls. I think most Bradley fans were more frustrated with the lack of calling the game tight on both ends. Bradley is getting grabbed and bumped a lot and not many calls. A perfect example is right before the half. Brummet makes a steal and starts dribbling down court and gets mugged twice and no call which leads to Drake layup at buzzer.

At half time I was thinking Bradley just needs to stop fouling and we will win the game. Then when you get 2 technicals in a minute, just amplifies the issue with free throw disparity.

And despite all this Bradley had a chance to win the game at the end. Brown missed a 3 with 2 minutes left that would have made it a 1 point game and childs missed an easy one in the lane with 1 minute left that would have made it 2 point game.

Do give Drake credit for making 31 of 36 free throws. That is really good and won them the game

This is where I disagree. The game was called pretty tight on both ends. Noah Thomas had to sit early in the second half because of a ticky tack call. McGlynn got called for the and-1 on the allyoop in a very ticky-tack situation.

Here's the deal: Bradley is a *much* more handsy team than Drake. Bradley is 8th in the conference in defensive free throw rate. Drake is first. Bradley plays more physical, bumps a lot more. They might get away with it at home or even in a neutral St. Louis environment, but on the road against a team that moves the ball very quickly to open players, they were caught a step behind several times.

Also, Wardle was jawing with the ref constantly. He was very stiff, non-flamboyant about it. But he was jawing. They lost followed their coaches lead and lost their composure because they were getting called on a lot of their physicality and they weren't used to it.

The free throw disparity is being completely overblown. Bradley had FIVE and-1s last night. If they missed those baskets, they're shooting 14 FTs instead of nine. Take away the six intentional FTs at the end of the night for Drake and assume Bradley keeps their composure and doesn't get technicals/flagrants, the FT margin is 14-24. That's very reasonable for a margin that assumes Bradley is going to send teams more often to the line than Drake is because they're much more physical and handsy defensively.

There was certainly a little home-cooking, but it wasn't anything more egregious than a typical Valley home cook is. Also, it isn't as if Drake had everything go their way. In addition to the ticky-tack calls on Drake I mentioned, let's not forget Robbins got elbowed in the face to the point of blood and there was no call (photo below, there is blood for those who are wary) ... 06283e.jpg

Do you have video of the elbow to the face? Childs kept rubbing the back of his head on the next possession.
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