So what your saying is the valley will be good again in 4 years when BU is good again?
I am all for tradition, but someone made a good point about BU's history and it's relevance to now. Absolutely nothing. Did you know Loyola is the only team in Illinois to win a National Championship? BU can't touch that.
Now it's completely understandable if you are saying BU needs to be better because the fans who donate demand it and there is a lot of cashflow at stake. If they got the money to hire a top notch coach who has the ability to bring the best players into BU then so be it, but even after Les, I don't think BU is ready to fork it over just yet.
For all of you saying that "my team" or "these team" need to be good for the valley to be good is garbage as well. Let's be honest, there has been a ton of coaching turnover since the multibid season. That hurts the valley big time. The two coaches who stuck around weren't the good ones. The 150 RPi rule was taken away which killed the valley as well.
The truth is, we need any 3-4 teams in the valley any year to be extremely good for the valley to be good again. It's not all about BU or any other individual team. Everyone needs to do their part to make the valley better and we need 3-4 teams to really stand out. It all starts with recruiting and then the non-con. I don't think it's a matter of the valley not being a ble to get the talent anymore. I think we have that now. We all need to do our part and schedule games. Our better teams any given year will win more of them than our lower teams. The valley will only be as strong as our weakest link. For example, a loss to SIU at home might not have looked as bad if they had some decent wins in the non-con. Sadly, this league is turning into "everyone for themselves" and unfortunately, my team is the most guilty of it. (hopefully a new AD will put the pressure on)