Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby troutangler » December 22nd, 2011, 10:31 pm

Aargh wrote:MSU looked a lot better than I thought they were going to be. The way they lost creates some doubt about what's going on in Springfield.

"Winners" hit layups when the game is on the line. 2 chances at layups with the game on the line makes one wonder if the Bears really believe in themselves. This loss seems to be more a factor of where the Bears' heads are at, and less on where their physical abilities are at.

I couldn't watch the game, but several who did watch it said Scheer's layup at the end was completely uncontested. Good teams and players make shots like that.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3



Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby glm38 » December 22nd, 2011, 10:51 pm

Aargh wrote:MSU looked a lot better than I thought they were going to be. The way they lost creates some doubt about what's going on in Springfield.

"Winners" hit layups when the game is on the line. 2 chances at layups with the game on the line makes one wonder if the Bears really believe in themselves. This loss seems to be more a factor of where the Bears' heads are at, and less on where their physical abilities are at.

I agree with most of what you say. It really isn't that the Bears don't have the talent. I think we do. I really think it's more a case of too many new players still trying to fit in with each other and find their games at the D1 level. And a brand new head coach who's a smart guy but bound to make some mistakes.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby WSUbballer » December 22nd, 2011, 10:54 pm

Borrowing a line from PeKaph and varying it slightly:

How very MSU of them.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » December 22nd, 2011, 11:01 pm

We completely puckered down the stretch. Very, very frustrated with Lusk. I thought he was a real hidden gem. He has time to change things but at this point I'm not sure the Hinson comparison isn't valid. I don't even know what to say about Weems. I honestly came into this year pretty sure that he would shut the CU fans up and would be POY over McDermott. I even argued that point several times. At this point he's lucky to be in the same sentence as McD. And it would likely be "McDermott blows by Weems as he throws down a dunk." And one!.
The free throws are bad. You wonder if they even practice them. A middle school girls team could hit 4-9 even on a bad day. We did some good things. We belong on the same court as one of the best teams in the whole country in Wvu. The Killchecki dude seemed kind of dirty. They play a rougher brand of basketball in Europe. It almost seemed like Lusk wanted to give 700 to Huggins as his own personal Christmas gift. I'm proud of our kids but all over the map emotionally. If we can beat St. Mary's my faith in mankind could be restored. If not I'm probably going to mentally checkout and tune back in during Arch Madness. If ISUb can get hot in three days then maybe we can too. And honestly for us Bears fans we deserve it because it has been tough since about 1999. Merry Christmas or happy whatever some of you all celebrate if you don't hear from me for a while. Good night.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby glm38 » December 22nd, 2011, 11:04 pm

Good old wsuballer. You can always count on him for a good fly by negative comment.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby WSUbballer » December 22nd, 2011, 11:27 pm

glm38 wrote:Good old wsuballer. You can always count on him for a good fly by negative comment.

You apparently have short-term memory issues.

In case it wasn't obvious enough, you can thank fellow Bear fan PeKaph for that comment. I won't say anything more on the subject other than blowing layups kill.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby glm38 » December 22nd, 2011, 11:51 pm

WSUbballer wrote:
glm38 wrote:Good old wsuballer. You can always count on him for a good fly by negative comment.

You apparently have short-term memory issues.

In case it wasn't obvious enough, you can thank fellow Bear fan PeKaph for that comment. I won't say anything more on the subject other than blowing layups kill.

I kind of remember it now that you mention it. But really you are just about the only one on this board that stores away previous negative comments and then has to pull them out to "get back" at that person or fan base. It's ridiculous.

Even one of your own fellow WSU fans got onto you recently for piling on a rival team. It would be one thing if the Bears fans in this thread were wailing and moaning about how they were cheated by the officiating or some other nonsense. Then we would have deserved a comment like that. But when a fanbase is already beating themselves up for a loss - then a comment like that is just uncalled for.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby WSUbballer » December 23rd, 2011, 12:03 am

glm, I'm not about to turn this into a silly off-topic rant. Maybe you should learn to brush off comments not intended for you like others in your fanbase have. I told the said poster that when MSU loses, that he's gonna wish he never stooped to the level he did and made the comment he did at the time. Now, unfortunately, you know how I felt, which was also after an OT loss, although we didn't lose it in quite the same fashion.

You're right. I don't forget things like that very well. You're gonna have to just get over it and hope snide comments don't come from your fanbase in the future.

It also doesn't surprise me that PeKaph hasn't been back since as his team has never been the same since either.

Moving on.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby glm38 » December 23rd, 2011, 12:09 am

Hey I'm already over it.

Wish I could get over the Bears loss tonight that easily.
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Re: Mo State v. West Virginia 7PM ESPN3

Postby FeartheQ » December 23rd, 2011, 6:04 am

Edit: double post
Last edited by FeartheQ on December 23rd, 2011, 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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