45otseoj wrote:Just one more point, and I'll let you get back to the pissing match.
Next year isn't Illinois State's year. It just isn't. Ekey would have played plenty for ISU next year. We would have been lucky to go 500 in conference. It's not about whether a juco or freshman will be better than a SR Ekey. It's about whether a recruit taking that scholarship (Hawkins, McIntosh maybe) will be better for the Birds in years where the Birds have a chance at winning a championship. I wasn't thrilled or heartbroken when he decided to transfer. He said himself that Muller's coaching wasn't what he signed up for. Even more important than talent, a team has to buy in to a system and apparently Ekey didn't. I wish him well.
I don't doubt that Ekey leaving the program, if replacing him with someone who will be around for a number of years, is good for your program long-term. Like you said, next year isn't going to be your year, so you plan for the year after that, or the year after that.
I have no problem with you considering it good for the program long-term. I only had a problem with fans of yours claiming that he had his scholarship taken away to do so. It's one thing if you tell a player that his minutes are going to be reduced significantly the next year and allow them to transfer if they have a problem with that ... but there is no coach in D1 Basketball that I have ever heard simply taking a scholarship away from a senior contributor without them doing something very wrong, just to free up a scholarship.
Now I know you know that isn't true, because you seem far more logical than the people giving your fanbase a badname in here
But it was that delusional claim that people had a problem with.